本文关键词: 主位推进模式 医药企业英文介绍 对比研究 出处:《太原理工大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:每一个句子都有自己的主述位结构,在由两个或两个以上句子构成的语篇中,句子间的主述位会发生某种联系和变化,而主位推进模式正是产生于这些联系和变化。主位推进模式理论被用于分析语篇的各组成成分是如何相互关联,从而形成一个意义连贯的整体。鉴于该理论的重要性,诸多国内外学者对其进行了研究,他们的研究领域涵盖新闻语篇、文学语篇、旅游宣传资料、公司年报、学术论文摘要等,然而却很少有人将该理论用于分析医药企业英文介绍。因此,作者以中外医药企业的英文介绍作为研究对象,以期弥补主位推进模式在企业介绍领域方面的不足,并找出二者在主位推进模式上的异同,进而为未来撰写和教授企业英文介绍提出一些建议。 本文选取了50篇医药企业英文介绍作为研究对象,其中25篇是中国医药企业的英文介绍,构成观察者语料库;另外25篇是国外医药企业的英文介绍,构成参照者语料库。结合前人对主位推进模式的划分以及医药企业英文介绍的特点,作者选择黄衍提出的七种主位推进模式作为本文的理论框架。研究过程中,作者首先借助AntConc软件的单词表功能,计算出了各主位推讲模式的出现次数。之后又对各主位推进模式在两个语料库中的出现次数进行了标准化处理。在此基础上,作者进行了对比研究,其中,利用SPSS软件的卡方检验功能,找出了两个语料库中呈现显著性差异的主位推进模式,另外软件AntConc关键词表中出现的主位推进模式用以进一步验证卡方检验的统计结果。 通过对比分析中外医药企业英文介绍,作者发现两个语料库的主位推进模式既存在相同点,也不乏差异性,具体可归纳为以下几点:第一,两个语料库均使用了七种主位推进模式;第二,主位同一型、线性推进型及无规则型主位推进模式是在两个语料库中出现频率较高的三种模式;第三,中国医药企业英文介绍与外国医药企业英文介绍相比,四种主位推进模式的出现次数都呈现显著性差异;第四,两个语料库中,七种主位推进模式的排列顺序不同,中国医药企业英文介绍中七种主位推进模式的排列顺序为CTPITPSLPDPCPPAPCRP,外国医药企业英文介绍中主位推进模式的排列顺序为CTPSLPITPCRPAPDPCPP;第五,外国医药企业英文介绍中,构成某种联系的主位或述位在形式上并非完全相同,替代性的表达较多,而中国医药企业英文介绍在此方面略显不足;第六,两个语料库中,某些主位推进模式所承载的信息相同,例如派生型主位推进模式多承载与产品有关的信息,述位同一型多用于介绍与企业成就有关的信息。 总之,本研究对于未来企业英文介绍的撰写和教授均具有指导性意义。首先,医药企业英文介绍的撰写者可通过采用恰当的主位推进模式,来提高自身的实际写作水平。另外,教师可通过向学生灌输有关主位推进模式的知识,激发学生使用主位推进模式的意识。
[Abstract]:Every sentence has the own structure, in the text is composed of two or more than two sentences, the sentence will occur between a connection and change, and the pattern of thematic progression is produced in the contact and change. The pattern of thematic progression theory was used to analyze the the composition of discourse are related to each other, so as to form a coherent whole. In view of the importance of the theory, many scholars at home and abroad were studied, their research fields cover news discourse, literary texts, tourist publicity materials, the company annual reports, abstracts, and few the theory is used to introduce the pharmaceutical enterprises English analysis. Therefore, the author introduces the English in pharmaceutical enterprises in China and foreign countries as the research object, in order to compensate for the thematic progression in the field of the problem, and find out the two main modes in advance The similarities and differences of the style, and then put forward some suggestions for the future writing and teaching of enterprise English introduction.
This paper selects 50 pieces of the English pharmaceutical enterprises as the research object, of which 25 were Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises English, constitute the observer corpus; another 25 is the introduction of foreign pharmaceutical enterprises English, constitute a reference corpus. According to the patterns of thematic progression and division of pharmaceutical enterprises English introduced the characteristics, the author chooses Huang Yan proposed seven patterns of thematic progression as the theoretical framework. In the course of the study, the author used the word list function of AntConc software, calculated the main push mode of occurrence. After speaking to the number of the thematic progression patterns in two corpora were normalized. On this basis, the author carried out a comparative study, which, using chi square test function of SPSS software, find out the present two corpora for significant differences in the pattern of thematic progression, and soft The main bit propulsion model in the AntConc keyword table is used to further verify the statistical results of the chi square test.
Through the comparative analysis of Chinese and foreign pharmaceutical enterprises English introduction, the author found that the two corpora of thematic progression patterns is the existence of the same point, there are differences, concrete can be summarized as follows: first, second a corpus was used seven patterns of thematic progression; second, the type of parallel, linear propulsion type and no rules thematicprogression pattern is the three model of high frequency in the two corpora; third, Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises English introduction and foreign pharmaceutical enterprises English introduced compared, four patterns of thematic progression of the occurrences are significant difference; fourth, second corpora, seven different patterns of thematic progression order China, pharmaceutical enterprises English introduces seven patterns of thematic progression in the order of CTPITPSLPDPCPPAPCRP, English foreign pharmaceutical enterprises to introduce thematic progression patterns in the order of CTPSLPITPC RPAPDPCPP; fifth, English foreign pharmaceutical enterprise is introduced, constitute a theme or a link in the form of expression is not the same, more alternative, and English Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises introduced here was not enough; the sixth, second corpora, some patterns of thematic progression of the information carried by the same, for example, the derived type main progressionpatterns more bearing and product related information, the same type used for the enterprise and achievement related information.
In conclusion, this study has guiding significance for future writing and teaching enterprise English introduced. Firstly, the author introduces English pharmaceutical enterprises by using appropriate thematic progression patterns, to improve their practical writing level. In addition, teachers can be passed to students infusion related tppatterns knowledge, stimulate students use tppatterns consciousness.
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