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发布时间:2018-03-29 09:47

  本文选题:庞德 切入点:《诗经》译本 出处:《浙江大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:庞德的《诗经》翻译研究是讨论庞德与中国文化关系时不可或缺的话题,也是《诗经》英译研究的重要组成部分。庞德的《诗经》译本风格独特,一度引起庞德学界的争议。然而西方学者较少在对照源文本的基础上对庞译《诗经》进行分析,国内学者对庞译《诗经》尚未展开整体研究,这为本研究留下了较大的探索空间。 本文以诗歌翻译的角度切入,对庞德《诗经》译本进行细读与描述,于分析过程中引入庞译本与源文本的比较及庞德部分译诗与理雅各、高本汉相应译诗的比较,主要发现有以下几点: 其一、庞译《诗经》的目的与其现代主义诗学理念密不可分。庞德对世界诗歌传统、诗歌内在力度、诗歌语言精确性的关注将他的目光引向以《诗经》为代表的中国文化,庞译《诗经》旨在“中为洋用”,借中国传统文化革新现代诗歌、改造西方社会。 其二、庞译《诗经》的策略受其翻译目的的制约。在其现代主义诗学理念的指导下,庞德的诗歌翻译形成“深层等效”与“双向互动”的独特策略。庞德的《诗经》译本重在表现原诗的情感与氛围,启发读者在阅读过程中作出判断与思考,这些正是庞德翻译理念的完整体现。 其三、庞译《诗经》立足于西方诗歌语境。庞译本对《诗经》所代表的中国文化的开发调用是在与西方诗歌传统互为参照的基础上展开的。“并置诗法”和“人物面具”等西方现代主义诗歌的技术手段是庞德用以对《诗经》进行创作性翻译的主要方式,这些手段的运用,使《诗经》从中国古代的语境进入西方现代诗学的领域。 其四、庞译《诗经》带有庞德自身思考的印记。庞德把自己对中西诗歌传统的思索与对儒家诗教思想的体悟都编织到《诗经》译本中,这是庞译《诗经》独特魅力之所在,也是造成对其译本至今争议不断的缘由。 其五、庞译《诗经》为我们看待中国传统文化提供了新的视角。庞译本对于《诗经》蕴含的儒家思想的阐释、对《诗经》代表的诗乐结合传统的演绎及对中国古诗和汉字意象的挖掘启发我们转换思路,在新语境中对《诗经》文化作出再思考。
[Abstract]:The translation study of pound's Book of songs is an indispensable topic in discussing the relationship between pound and Chinese culture, and also an important part of the study on the translation of the Book of songs into English. However, Western scholars seldom analyze the Book of songs on the basis of contrasting the source text, and domestic scholars have not yet carried out a comprehensive study on the translation of the Book of songs. This leaves a large exploration space for this study. From the perspective of poetry translation, this paper makes a detailed reading and description of the translation of pound's Book of songs, and introduces the comparison between Pang's version and the source text, and the comparison between some of pound's translated poems and the corresponding translation poems of Reich and Kobenhan in the process of analysis. The main findings are as follows:. First, the purpose of Pang's translation of the Book of songs is closely related to his modernist poetics. Pound's attention to the tradition of world poetry, the intrinsic strength of poetry and the accuracy of poetic language lead his attention to the Chinese culture represented by the Book of songs. Pang's translation of the Book of songs aims to reform modern poetry and transform western society through Chinese traditional culture. Secondly, the strategy of Pang's translation of the Book of songs is restricted by its translation purpose. Pound's poetry translation forms a unique strategy of "deep equivalence" and "two-way interaction". The translation of pound's Book of songs focuses on expressing the emotion and atmosphere of the original poem and enlightening readers to judge and think in the process of reading. These are the complete embodiment of pound's concept of translation. Third, Pang's translation of the Book of songs is based on the context of western poetry. The development and transfer of Chinese culture represented by the Book of songs in Pang's translation is based on the mutual reference to the tradition of western poetry. "the method of juxtaposition of poems" and "mask of characters" The technical means of Western modernist poetry is the main way pound used to translate the Book of songs. The use of these means made the Book of songs enter the field of modern western poetics from the context of ancient China. Fourthly, pound's translation of the Book of songs bears the imprint of pound's own thinking. Pound weaves his thoughts on the tradition of Chinese and Western poetry and his understanding of Confucian poetic teaching thoughts into the translation of the Book of songs, which is the unique charm of his translation of the Book of songs. It is also the cause of the controversy over the translation. Fifth, Pang's translation of the Book of songs provides us with a new perspective on Chinese traditional culture. The combination of poetry and music represented by the Book of songs and the excavation of ancient Chinese poems and Chinese characters inspired us to change our thinking and to rethink the culture of the Book of songs in the new context.


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