本文选题:隆尧方言 切入点:语言系统 出处:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:隆尧方言是一个很有特点的方言。研究这个方言的语音,,对该方言的语法、词汇研究及整个河北方言的研究都有重要意义。目前尚无人对这一方言的语音问题做系统研究,本硕士论文以该方言的语音问题作为研究课题。 本论文主要从现实平面描写和历时比较两个方面对该方言的语音进行研究。全文除绪论外,共分四章。第一章描写该方言的语音系统,第二章和第三章将该方言与中古音及近代音进行比较研究,第四章讨论该方言的一些特殊读音。 通过研究,我们得出以下结论: 一,隆尧方言共有22个声母,36个韵母,4个声调。隆尧方言的双字组连读变调出现于阴平和去声。在阴平+阴平和阴平+去声构成的双字组中,第一个音节由213变55。在去声+去声构成的双字组中有变调和不变两种情况,变的是第一音节由42变成55。“一”和“不”的调值随后边音节声调的不同而变化,阴平前为42,阳平、上声前为21,去声前为55。儿化有三种类型:一类是在音节末尾加卷舌动作完成儿化,一类是在声韵间加卷舌动作完成儿化,一类是在声韵间加闪音动作完成儿化。 二,从《广韵》到现代隆尧方言的演变:声母方面,精组声母细音字大体上还保留着舌尖音的读法;古属影母、疑母今普通话读开口呼的零声母字在隆尧方言读声母。韵母方面,古山摄、咸摄在隆尧方言演变成鼻化韵;普通话读po、po、mo、fo的字在该方言韵母演变为。声调方面,古入声字在隆尧方言以归入阴平的比例最大,以清声母入声字归入阴平为主。 三,从《中原音韵》到现代隆尧方言的演变:声母方面,由《中原音韵》的k、k、x分化出舌面音t、、;《中原音韵》的v、声母部分演变成零声母;《中原音韵》读零声母,现在普通话读开口呼的零声母字在隆尧方言读。韵母方面,《中原音韵》的m韵尾与主要元音相同的n韵尾合并,部分韵母演变成鼻化韵;《中原音韵》的在隆尧方言按声母分化为、、;《中原音韵》的u与p、p、m、f拼的字的韵母在隆尧方言演变成。声调方面,中古的清入声在隆尧方言有规律地归入阴平,而在《中原音韵》比较有规律的归入了上声。在声韵母拼合上,《中原音韵》的唇音p、p、m、f可以拼合口呼韵母,隆尧方言这些声母除拼u外,不能与合口呼声母相拼。 四,名词词尾“子”、量词“个”、助词“的”“地”“得”“着”“了”、方位词“上”和介词“到”“在”的读音有一个共同特点:由于音节弱化、声母脱落,处在有些韵母的后面时,受前一个音节的同化影响,滋生出过渡音;此外在隆尧方言的一些普通词语当中也存在一些特殊的读音,这些特殊读音是由分音、合音、脱落、同化及其他一些原因造成的。
[Abstract]:Longyao dialect is a characteristic dialect.To study the pronunciation of this dialect is of great significance to the study of grammar, vocabulary and the whole Hebei dialect.At present, there is no systematic research on the phonetic problem of this dialect, and the phonetic problem of this dialect is taken as the research topic in this thesis.This thesis mainly studies the pronunciation of the dialect from realistic plane description and diachronic comparison.In addition to the introduction, the full text is divided into four chapters.The first chapter describes the phonetic system of the dialect, the second and third chapters compare the dialect with the middle and modern sounds, and the fourth chapter discusses some special pronunciation of the dialect.Through our research, we draw the following conclusions:First, there are 22 initials, 36 vowels and 4 tones in Longyao dialect.In Longyao dialect, the double-character group tone change appears in Yin Ping and dissonant.The first syllable changes from 213 to 55.There are two cases of tone change and invariance in the double character group composed of sound and sound. The first syllable is changed from 42 to 555.The first syllable is changed from the first syllable to the first syllable from 42 to 55.The tone of "one" and "no" is different from the tone of the side syllable. It is 42 before Yin and Ping, 21 before upbeat and 55 before de-sound.There are three types of catechism: one is to add tongue to the end of syllable, the other is to add tongue-rolling between rhymes, and the other is to add twinkle to rhyme.Second, the evolution from "Guangyun" to modern Longyao dialect: in the aspect of consonant, the fine phonetic characters of refined group consonants still retain the method of reading the sharp tongues in general, and the zero consonants which are spoken in Mandarin in ancient times are still pronounced in Longyao dialect, and the nil consonants in Putonghua are pronounced in Longyao dialect.In terms of vowels, Gushan shot, salty in Longyao dialect evolved into a nasal rhyme; Putonghua read pozpozmofo in the dialect vowels evolved into.In terms of tone, the proportion of ancient Chinese characters in Longyao dialect is the largest, and the original characters of Qing Dynasty belong to Yin Ping.Now the zero-initials of Putonghua pronounce in Longyao dialect.In terms of vowels, the m-rhyme endings of the Central Plains are merged with the n-rhyme endings of the main vowels.Part of the vowels evolved into nasal rhymes; in Longyao dialect, "Central Plains phonology" was divided into consonants by consonants, and the vowels of the words "u" and "Pian Pu" of "Central Plains" evolved into the vowels of the characters spelled in Longyao dialect.In terms of tone, in Longyao dialect, the middle ancient Qing dialect was regularly classified as Yin and Ping, while in the Central Plains, it was more regularly classified as Shangsheng.In the combination of rhyme and vowel, the lips of "Central Plains phonology" can spell the vowels, and the consonants of Longyao dialect can not be combined with the consonants except the phonetic vowels.Fourth, the pronunciations of the noun ending "Zi", the classifier "individual" and the auxiliary word "place" and "place" have a common characteristic: because of the weakening of syllable, the initial consonant falls off, and the pronunciation of the locative word "on" and the preposition "on" to "Zai" has a common characteristic: because of the weakening of syllable, the initial consonant falls off.When they are behind some vowels, they are influenced by the assimilation of the previous syllable, resulting in transition sounds. In addition, in some common words in Longyao dialect, there are also some special sounds, which are characterized by division, synonym, and shedding.Assimilation and other causes.
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