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发布时间:2018-04-21 02:37

  本文选题:蒙古国初级汉语学生 + 汉语学习策略 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:学习策略的使用在语言学习中占有重要地位,因为其反映了学生的认知方式和学习规律,而学习规律又制约着教学规律。随着近年来学习汉语的外国学生急剧增加,不同国别汉语学习者的个体研究已经成为目前汉语学习策略研究的热点课题,然而目前蒙古国学生汉语学习策略的研究尚不多见。再者由于蒙古国学习汉语的需求急剧增加,人数也越来越多,但大多数学习汉语的人都停留在初级水平或是在初中级水平之间徘徊,出现这种情况与学生学习策略有着密不可分的关系。因此本文针对蒙古国初级汉语学习者的学习策略进行了研究。 本文采取问卷调查的方式对蒙古国初级汉语学生的汉语学习策略使用情况进行研究。问卷调查的内容基本参考了Oxford(1990)的语言学习策略量表。本文以蒙古国立大学中文专业大学一年级两个班的54名学生为研究对象,并借助SPSS13.0统计软件,使用T检验、描述性统计分析和方差分析等几种数据分析方法对问卷数据进行了分析。 本文通过调查发现:(1)蒙古国初级汉语学生汉语学习策略中使用最多的是元认知策略,其他依次是社会策略、记忆策略,情感策略、认知策略以及补偿策略,其中没有总是使用和从不使用的学习策略。(2)不同性别、不同学习动机和高低分组学生在使用汉语学习策略中存在不同程度的差别。男生和女生在学习策略的使用上没有显著差异。除认知策略和情感策略外,女生比男生更多使用了其他学习策略,且各项存在使用程度上的差异。兴趣工作动机学生使用学习策略最为频繁,在除补偿策略以外的其他五项学习策略上均高于兴趣和工作动机学生,各学习策略使用情况不同。除情感策略外,高分组学生在其他五项学习策略上都比低分组学生更频繁地使用了学习策略且高分组更集中更自觉地使用了学习策略。 本文根据调查结果,对蒙古国的汉语教学提出了一些具体的应对建议:针对不同群体,在教学中根据各学习策略的不同有系统性地提高学生使用学习策略的频率以及分组教学等一些实际可操作的教学措施。
[Abstract]:The use of learning strategies occupies an important position in language learning, because it reflects the cognitive style and learning rules of the students, and the law of learning restricts the law of teaching. With the rapid increase of foreign students learning Chinese in recent years, the study of individual Chinese learners in different countries has become a hot topic in the study of Chinese learning strategies. However, at present, there are few studies on Chinese learning strategies for students in Mongolia. Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in the demand for learning Chinese in Mongolia, the number of people is increasing, but most of them stay at the primary level or between the primary and secondary levels. This situation is closely related to the students' learning strategies. Therefore, this paper studies the learning strategies of Junior Chinese learners in Mongolia.
This paper takes a questionnaire survey to study the use of Chinese learning strategies for primary Chinese students in Mongolia. The contents of the questionnaire refer to the language learning strategy scale of Oxford (1990). In this paper, 54 students of the first grade two classes in the first grade of the Chinese University of Mongolia National University are taken as the research object and the SPSS13.0 system is used. The data were analyzed by means of T test, descriptive statistics analysis and variance analysis.
Through the investigation, we find that: (1) metacognitive strategies are the most used in the Chinese learning strategies of primary Chinese students in Mongolia, while others are social strategies, memory strategies, emotional strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation strategies. There are no learning strategies that are always used and never used. (2) different sexes, different learning motivation and high and low scores. There is no significant difference between the students and the students in the use of Chinese learning strategies. There is no significant difference in the use of learning strategies between boys and girls. In addition to cognitive strategies and emotional strategies, girls use other learning strategies more than boys, and there are differences in the use degree. Frequently, the five other learning strategies except the compensation strategy are higher than the interest and the working motivation students, and the use of each learning strategy is different. In addition to the emotional strategy, the high group students use the learning strategy more frequently than the lower group in the other five learning strategies and the higher groups are more focused and more consciously used for learning. Strategy.
According to the results of the survey, this paper puts forward some specific countermeasures for the Chinese teaching of Chinese in Mongolia: in the light of different groups, some practical and operable teaching measures, such as the frequency of students' use of learning strategies and the teaching of group teaching, are systematically improved in the light of the different learning strategies.



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