本文选题:电视节目 + 主持人 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:电视节目主持人口语修辞受到电视节目制作规律和大众媒介传播规律的双重制约,有别于一般人际交流中的口语修辞,具有复现性、规定性、可视性和适当重复的特点。主持人口语修辞研究立足于语音修辞和词汇修辞两个方面的,前者包括语音要素修辞和语流要素修辞,后者包含语义修辞和语用修辞。由于主持人的口语修辞过程和电视节目的制作流程同步,分为前期控制修辞、中期表达修辞和后期反馈修辞三个部分,所以每一阶段都有与之相对应的语音修辞和词汇修辞。主持人的修辞活动的适切程度既要受制与主持人自身语言修养等内部因素,同时也受到现场环境、社会文化等外部因素的影响。 本文从中国电视节目主持人的口语修辞运用的实际出发,在现有修辞理论的基础上结合电视节目制作流程的特征来研究主持人口语修辞现象,旨在探寻适合电视节目主持人的口语修辞规律,为中国电视节目口语修辞摆脱“书面语有声版”的初级阶段走上适合自身特色发展道路提供一定的理论基础。
[Abstract]:The spoken rhetoric of TV program host is restricted by the law of TV program making and the law of mass media communication, which is different from the oral rhetoric in general interpersonal communication. It has the characteristics of repetition, stipulation, visibility and proper repetition. The study of the host's oral rhetoric is based on two aspects: phonetic rhetoric and lexical rhetoric. The former includes phonetic factor rhetoric and flow-factor rhetoric, while the latter includes semantic rhetoric and pragmatic rhetoric. Because the oral rhetoric process of the host is synchronized with the production process of TV programs, it is divided into three parts: early controlled rhetoric, intermediate expression rhetoric and late feedback rhetoric, so there are corresponding phonetic rhetoric and lexical rhetoric in each stage. The appropriateness of the moderator's rhetorical activities is not only limited to the internal factors such as the host's own language accomplishment, but also affected by the external factors such as the scene environment, social culture and so on. Based on the actual application of spoken rhetoric of TV program hosts in China, this paper studies the phenomenon of oral rhetoric of TV hosts on the basis of the existing rhetoric theories and the characteristics of the production process of TV programs. The purpose of this paper is to explore the rules of oral rhetoric suitable for TV program hosts, and to provide a certain theoretical basis for the Chinese TV program to get rid of the "written audio version" in the initial stage and take the road of development suitable for its own characteristics.
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