本文选题:中医药临床口译 + 口译标准 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国传统医药(中医药)凭借其卓越的疗效和深厚的文化底蕴引起了国内外的关注。越来越多国外的中医师和中医医学学生前往中国,在中医医院不同科室学习中医药的临床操作与实践。中医药临床口译应运而生,并在这一进程中发挥着重要作用。但目前中医临床口译的标准尚未建立,译员临床口译的质量和外国中医学习者的满意度都难以得到充分保障。因此,建立中医药临床口译标准至关紧要和重要。 本文旨在探索建立中医药临床口译标准。作者在对口译普遍标准的研究基础上,就中医药临床口译分别与科技口译标准、西方医疗口译进行分析比较,找出中医药临床口译和二者的相似点和区别所在,最后结合中医药临床口译自身特点,提出“五个原则”作为中医药临床口译的标准。这“五个原则”分别是“准确”、“简洁”、“完整”、“统一”、“文化”。为了检验这“五个原则”的接受度和可行性,作者分别对七名中医药临床口译员进行采谈和问卷。 本文主要分为五个部分。第一部分简要介绍中医药临床口译的发展背景、本文的研究重点(即探索建立中医药临床口译的标准)以及研究方法。由于中医药临床口译标准尚未建立,因而作者在第二部分主要回顾了口译的普遍标准、科技口译标准以及西方医疗口译标准,以便为中医药临床口译标准的建立奠定理论基础。第三部分介绍了中医药临床口译的建立过程。作者就中医药临床口译与科技口译、西方医疗口译进行比较,同时指出中医药临床口译的特点,随后分析了建立中医药临床口译标准的紧迫性和必要性,以及建立该标准的难点和突破口。第四部分,作者提出指导中医药临床口译的“五个原则”,即“准确”、“简洁”、“完整”、“统一”、“文化”。为了检验这“五个原则”的接受度和可行性,,作者分别对七名中医药临床口译员进行采谈和问卷,并对采访和问卷进行整理、分析、总结。第五部分总结了本文研究的成果,也指出了研究的不足,并且分析了中医药临床口译标准建立的理论和实际意义。
[Abstract]:Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has attracted much attention at home and abroad because of its excellent curative effect and profound cultural background. More and more Chinese medicine doctors and students from abroad go to China to study the clinical operation and practice of traditional Chinese medicine in different departments of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. Chinese medicine clinical interpretation emerged as the times require, and plays an important role in this process. However, the standard of TCM clinical interpretation has not been established, the quality of clinical interpretation and the satisfaction of foreign TCM learners are difficult to be fully guaranteed. Therefore, the establishment of Chinese medicine clinical interpretation standards is crucial and important. The purpose of this paper is to establish a standard for clinical interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine. On the basis of the research on the universal standards of interpretation, the author analyzes and compares the clinical interpretation of Chinese medicine with the standards of science and technology interpretation and the western medical interpretation, and finds out the similarities and differences between the clinical interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine and the two. Finally, according to the characteristics of clinical interpretation of Chinese medicine, five principles are proposed as the standard of clinical interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine. The five principles are "accuracy", "simplicity", "integrity", "unity" and "culture". In order to test the acceptance and feasibility of the five principles, the author conducted interviews and questionnaires with seven clinical interpreters of TCM. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part briefly introduces the development background of Chinese medicine clinical interpretation, the research focus of this paper (that is, to explore the establishment of Chinese medicine clinical interpretation standards) and research methods. Since the standard of clinical interpretation of Chinese medicine has not yet been established, in the second part, the author reviews the general standard of interpretation, the standard of science and technology interpretation and the standard of western medical interpretation, so as to lay a theoretical foundation for the establishment of the standard of clinical interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine. The third part introduces the establishment process of Chinese medicine clinical interpretation. The author compares the clinical interpretation of Chinese medicine with that of science and technology, and Western medical interpretation, and points out the characteristics of clinical interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine, and then analyzes the urgency and necessity of establishing the standard of clinical interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine. And the difficulty and breakthrough of establishing this standard. In the fourth part, the author puts forward the "five principles" to guide the clinical interpretation of TCM, that is, "accuracy", "simplicity", "integrity", "unity" and "culture". In order to test the acceptance and feasibility of the "five principles", the author conducted interviews and questionnaires among seven clinical interpreters of Chinese medicine, and arranged, analyzed and summarized the interviews and questionnaires. The fifth part summarizes the research results, points out the deficiencies of the research, and analyzes the theoretical and practical significance of the establishment of Chinese medicine clinical interpretation standards.
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