发布时间:2018-05-09 04:08
本文选题:《说文字辨》 + 《说文解字》 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《说文字辨》系晚清时福建侯官县人林庆炳所作,是一部研究《说文解字》字形之书,亦兼及论述字形之本义,然该书却无人深入研究。本篇论文将其与《说文解字》进行宏观比较,并通过对其所辑的3320个(包含20个重出之字)摹篆作楷之后的字形进行疏证整理,探索林氏处理字形的体例及其得失的同时,将书中之灼见及讹误之处进行辨析,最后对该书进行客观评价。本文主要的研究方法是字形辨析法,通过近现代的研究成果如《古文字诂林》、《说文新证》等,进一步对林氏的说解进行整理和研究。 关于该书及作者的相关信息,散见于一些著述中,诸如孙殿起的《贩书偶记》。虽有些著述如张舜徽的《清人文集别录》有简略说解,但亦有不实之词,更有学者对该书给予了全盘否定的评价。因此,我们通过对林庆炳及其著作的研究,以期能够弥补相关研究领域的不足,补充历史资料,同时也为地方文献古籍的整理尽绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:Lin Qingbing, a native of Hou Guan County in Fujian Province in the late Qing Dynasty, is a book that studies the characters of Shuowen and interprets the characters, and also discusses the original meaning of the characters. However, the book has not been studied in depth. This paper compares it with Shuowen Jie word macroscopically, and through thinning out the characters of 3320 (including 20 reprinted characters), it explores Lin's method of dealing with the glyph and its gain and loss at the same time. This paper analyzes the cauterous views and errors in the book, and evaluates the book objectively. The main research method of this paper is glyph discrimination. Through the research results of modern times such as "Guoji forest" and "Shuowenxin syndrome", the author further arranges and studies Lin's explanation. Information about the book and its authors is scattered in a number of works, such as Sun Dianqi's A Story of selling Books. Although some works, such as Zhang Shunhui's Collection of the Qing Dynasty, have a brief explanation, but there are also false words, some scholars give a total negative evaluation of the book. Therefore, through the study of Lin Qingbing and his works, we hope to make up for the deficiency of relevant research fields and supplement historical materials, and at the same time, we can do our best for the collation of local ancient books.
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