本文选题:德国功能理论 + 功能加忠诚 ; 参考:《四川外语学院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国经济的发展以及国际交流的日益增多,越来越多的外国人来到中国工作、生活、旅游和学习。语言交流的问题凸显出来。在日常生活中,公示语作用在社会活动中得到体现并且变得越来越重要,其翻译活动也变得必不可少。最近十年,公示语的规范受到了学者及专家的广泛关注,纠错活动也在全国各地展开。然而,目前国内的公示语翻译现状还尚未达到令人满意的程度。以往的研究主要注重于数据收集和一些常见公示语的错误解析,并没有深入到用一个可行的、有效的理论系统地指导公示语的翻译行为。 企业公示语的主要功能是:为外籍员工提供必要的信息以给他们的工作提供便利;通过向他们介绍企业文化激发他们的工作热情。公示语翻译属于应用文翻译,在翻译过程中应注重其功能在译文中的实现,因此应采用以译文和译文读者为取向的翻译策略。本文旨在说明如何应用克里斯蒂娜诺德的“功能加忠诚”理论以及与其相应的翻译模式来指导企业公示语的翻译。在公示语的翻译过程中,通过解析翻译规范,分析原文,针对译文所要达到的功能和目的设计翻译策略,然后进行译文的创造。最后,,通过将译文与翻译规范进行对比来评估译文的质量以及能否满足译文的功能需求。 本文以企业公示语为语料基础,首先简要说明研究的背景,意义以及现状;其次是理论基础,概括了功能理论的发展过程,以及诺德的功能理论和模式;最后,从公示语的定义以及特点入手,依照诺德所提出的翻译理论及模式进行企业公示语的翻译;本文所得出的结论是,利用诺德的功能理论以及模式为企业公示语的翻译找到一个翻译流程,这个流程可以更好地引导译者选择翻译策略并进行翻译活动,而不是任由译者随意地选择翻译策略,同时,在这个流程下创造的译文不仅能忠实于原文,同时也能体现企业公示语的功能及目的,从而使得公示语的翻译得到改善。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and the increasing number of international exchanges, more and more foreigners come to China to work, live, travel and study. The problem of language communication has come to the fore. In daily life, the role of public signs has become more and more important in social activities, and its translation activities have become indispensable. In the last ten years, scholars and experts have paid close attention to the norms of public signs, and error-correction activities have been carried out all over the country. However, the current situation of translation of public signs in China has not yet reached a satisfactory level. Previous studies have mainly focused on data collection and error analysis of some common public signs, and have failed to guide the translation of public signs systematically with a feasible and effective theory. The main functions of corporate signs are to provide the necessary information for foreign employees to facilitate their work, and to stimulate their enthusiasm by introducing the corporate culture to them. The translation of public signs belongs to the translation of practical writing. In the process of translation, attention should be paid to the realization of its function in the translation. Therefore, the translation strategy oriented to the target text and the target text should be adopted. The purpose of this paper is to explain how to apply Christina Nord's "function plus loyalty" theory and its corresponding translation model to guide the translation of corporate signs. In the process of translating public signs, we analyze the translation norms, analyze the original text, design the translation strategy according to the function and purpose of the translation, and then create the target text. Finally, the quality of the translation and whether it can meet the functional requirements of the translation are evaluated by comparing the translation with the translation norms. Based on corporate public signs, this paper first briefly explains the background, significance and current situation of the research; secondly, the theoretical basis, summarizes the development of functional theory, as well as Nord's functional theory and model. Based on the definition and characteristics of public signs, the translation of corporate public signs is carried out according to the translation theory and model put forward by Nord. Using Nord's function theory and model to find a translation process for the translation of corporate public signs, this process can better guide the translator to choose translation strategies and carry out translation activities, rather than leaving the translator to choose translation strategies at will. At the same time, the translation created under this process can not only be faithful to the original text, but also reflect the function and purpose of the corporate public signs, so that the translation of public signs can be improved.
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