本文选题:现代汉语 + 量词“个” ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:现代汉语量词“个”作为现代汉语中广泛使用的一个量词,历来受到学术界研究者们的关注。以往的相关研究,从语法学的角度去探讨“个”的词性、特殊用法及语法化问题的相对较多,鲜有社会语言学视角下、针对纷繁复杂的现代汉语量词“个”的具体社会现实使用状况的调查分析与研究。因此,对于现代汉语量词“个”加以具体社会使用状况的调查分析,无论对于切实弄清现代汉语量词“个”的具体的社会使用状况,以丰富、完善相关的语法理论,还是对于廓清词语,以指导具体的语言实践,无疑都具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文运用社会语言学的理论和方法对语料库及相关材料关于现代汉语量词“个”的社会使用情况进行了较大规模的调查,分析、归纳出现代汉语量词“个”的种种具体使用状况及实际存在的量词“个”与量词的具体搭配情况,并将其与现有的有关著作中的量词“个”的用法的相关论述加以比对,得出了有关量词“个”新的认识。 文章共分三章展开。第一章介绍了现代汉语量词“个”社会使用的调查情况。第二章是“现代汉语量词‘个’社会使用的基本状况及特点”,主要总结了调查中“个”使用的范围和频率状况及“个”与事物搭配的状况;总结出现代汉语量词“个”社会使用的特点:“个”所搭配的事物范围趋于扩大、“个”可以部分地替换一些其他量词以及出现了一批“个”与事物的新搭配。第三章主要从社会语言学角度分析了现代汉语量词“个”社会使用现状的原因,总体上可以归纳为语言自身因素和社会文化心理因素,其中,语言自身的因素包括语义特征与语法特点因素,而社会文化心理因素即社会文化与社会心理因素,,也正是多种因素的共同影响,使得现代汉语量词“个”呈现出“泛化”加剧的局面。
[Abstract]:As a measure word widely used in modern Chinese, the measure word "GE" in modern Chinese has always been concerned by researchers in academic circles. From the perspective of grammar, there have been relatively many studies on the part of speech, special usage and grammaticalization of the "individual" in the past, and rarely from the perspective of sociolinguistics. The investigation and research on the concrete social reality of the complicated modern Chinese classifier "individual". Therefore, the investigation and analysis of the specific social usage of the classifier "individual" in modern Chinese, regardless of the concrete social usage of the measure word "individual" in modern Chinese, can enrich and perfect the relevant grammatical theory. There is no doubt that it is of great theoretical and practical significance to clarify the words and to guide the specific language practice. Based on the theory and method of sociolinguistics, this paper makes a large scale investigation and analysis on the social use of the classifier "individual" in modern Chinese. This paper sums up various concrete usage situations of modern Chinese classifier "GE" and the concrete collocation of "individual" and classifier, and compares it with the relevant exposition of the usage of "individual" in the existing works. A new understanding of the quantifier "individual" is obtained. The article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the survey of the social use of the classifier "individual" in modern Chinese. The second chapter is "the basic status and characteristics of the social use of" individual "in modern Chinese, which mainly summarizes the scope and frequency of" individual "in the investigation and the situation of" individual "collocation with things;" The characteristics of the social use of the classifier "individual" in modern Chinese are summarized: the range of the collocation of the "individual" tends to expand, the "individual" can partly replace some other classifiers and a number of new collocations between "individual" and things appear. The third chapter mainly analyzes the reasons of the current situation of the social use of the classifier "individual" in modern Chinese from the perspective of sociolinguistics, which can be summed up as language itself and sociocultural psychological factors, among which, The factors of language itself include semantic features and grammatical features, while sociocultural psychological factors, that is, sociocultural and social-psychological factors, are also the common influences of many factors. So that the modern Chinese classifier "individual" presents a situation of "generalization" intensified.
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