发布时间:2018-05-30 04:43
本文选题:呼和浩特店名 + 语言学 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:店名作为一种应用语言,既具有语言的一般性质,又有区别于其他应用语言的特征。这些特征具体表现在店名的语音、语汇、语法和修辞等各个方面。店名的好坏已成为市场营销中的一个重要环节,影响着利润的高低,成功的店名可以为商铺吸引更多的顾客。 本文从语音、语形、词汇、语法、修辞五个方面详细分析了呼和浩特店铺名称的语言学特征,从中总结了呼和浩特地区店铺命名的语言学规律;也对呼和浩特店铺名称进行了文化分析和心理分析;并总结了呼和浩特店铺命名语言存在的问题,尝试提出呼和浩特店铺命名语言的规范和优化建议。 到目前为止,在对各地店名的研究中,还缺乏对于呼和浩特市这样一个具有浓郁少数民族文化的城市的店名研究。因此,我选择这一课题进行深入考察研究,希望通过对呼和浩特市店铺名称的分析,归纳出其基本特征,研究命名心理和其背后的文化,把握其基本走向,总结成功店名的命名原则,并可以利用研究成果为命名实践起规范化的指导作用。
[Abstract]:As an applied language, store name not only has the general nature of language, but also has the characteristics that are different from other applied languages. These features are embodied in the phonetic, lexical, grammatical and rhetorical aspects of the shop name. The quality of the shop name has become an important link in the marketing, which affects the profit level. A successful store name can attract more customers for the shop. This paper analyzes in detail the linguistic features of Hohhot's shop names from the aspects of pronunciation, morphology, vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric, and summarizes the linguistic rules of store naming in Hohhot. It also analyzes the culture and psychology of Hohhot shop name, summarizes the problems existing in Hohhot store naming language, and tries to put forward the specification and optimization suggestion of Hohhot shop naming language. Up to now, there is a lack of research on Hohhot, a city with rich minority culture. Therefore, I choose this subject for in-depth investigation and study, hoping to sum up its basic characteristics, study the naming psychology and the culture behind it, and grasp its basic trend through the analysis of the name of the store in Hohhot. This paper summarizes the naming principles of successful store names, and can use the research results to standardize naming practice.
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2 吕s,