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发布时间:2018-05-31 16:54

  本文选题:五灯会元 + 疑问句 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:本文采用定量与定性相结合、平面描写与立体阐释相结合、历时比较与共时对比并重的方法,对禅宗文献《五灯会元》中的疑问句进行了穷尽、全面、系统的研究,并探讨了《五灯会元》疑问句的特色和历史地位。 论文除“绪论”、“余论”外共分十一章。 首先是绪论部分。简单介绍了选题的缘起、《五灯会元》疑问句的研究现状、论文的研究方法及语料选择的标准,并在说明汉语疑问句分类的基础上,确定了《五灯会元》疑问句的分类标准。 第一、二章系统探讨了特指询问句。特指询问句中的疑问代词及其复合形式比较丰富,它们产生的时代涵盖了上古、中古和近代汉语三个时期,在继承前代的同时,疑问代词有新发展,新兴的疑问代词为近代汉语注入了新鲜的活力。 第三章全面考察了是非询问句。是非询问句绝大多数使用形式标记(疑问副词、句尾疑问语气词),其中“还”字询问句与句尾有疑问语气词的是非询问句出现最为频繁。 第四章探讨了选择询问句。选择询问句中的关联标记“为、为当、为复、为是、是”等均袭自前代。“是”字选择询问句已走向成熟,初步形成了现代汉语选择询问句的典型格式。选择询问句前后两项有着内在的语义联系,可分为正反型、反义型、次序型、颠倒型和语境型。 第五章论述了正反询问句。在全面描写"VPNegVP?"与"VPNeg?"两种句式的基础上,着重探讨了"VPNeg?"式句尾否定词的虚化问题,并参考前人的研究成果,提出了自己的判定原则。 第六章考察了测度询问句。近代汉语中新兴的“莫”系句居于主要地位,且形式多样、富于变化。本章详细讨论了“莫”系句句尾“Neg”的虚化问题,认为句尾“Neg”已经虚化为语气词。 第七章全面探讨了反诘问句。特指反诘问句中的疑问代词及其复合形式源自不同的时代层次,且有表示递进关系的反诘标记“况”、“况复”、“岂况”等。是非反诘问句多使用反诘标记。《祖堂集》中的“(K)VP那作摩?”式选择反诘问句在《五灯会元》中省略了句尾“作摩”变成了是非反诘问句,很可能是编撰者考虑到南北方言差异,为普及传法从而省略了句尾“作摩”。 第八章主要考察了设问句、附加问句、招呼问句和感叹问句等四种特殊疑问句。设问句绝大多数以特指设问句形式出现。附加问句形式多样,构成方式也比较复杂。招呼问句口语性较强,至今仍鲜活地存在于现代汉语口语和书面语当中。感叹问句使用频率不高,但从语用角度来说,它所表达的感叹语气及其强烈的感情色彩是其他疑问句所不能取代的。 第九章专门讨论了疑问句句尾语气词。新兴的语气词“麽”使用频率最高,“否”、“无”在测度询问句中已经虚化为语气词。句尾语气词主要集中于是非询问句。 第十、十一两章从共时、历时两个角度将《五灯会元》与《朱子语类》、《五灯会元》与《祖堂集》进行了比较研究,发掘共性,凸显个性,从而揭示了《五灯会元》疑问句的特色和历史地位。 最后是余论。这一部分总结了论文的主要结论,指出了论文的不足之处以及有待进一步研究的方面。
[Abstract]:This article uses the combination of quantitative and qualitative, plane description and stereoscopic interpretation, diachronic comparison and synchronic contrast, and makes exhaustive, comprehensive and systematic study of the question sentence in the five lantern element of Zen Buddhism, and discusses the special and historical status of the "five lantern yuan > question".
Besides the introduction and the remaining theory, the thesis is divided into eleven chapters.
The first is the introduction part. It briefly introduces the origin of the topic, the research status of "five lantern yuan > question", the research method of the paper and the standard of the selection of the corpus, and on the basis of the classification of the interrogative sentences in Chinese, determines the classification standard of the "five lantern yuan > question".
The first, second chapter systematically discusses the interrogative questions. The interrogative pronouns in the interrogative sentences and their complex forms are relatively rich. Their generation covers three periods of ancient, medieval and modern Chinese. In the meantime, the interrogative pronouns have developed new, and the new questioning pronouns have injected fresh vitality into modern Chinese.
The third chapter examines the non interrogative sentence. It is the most common form of non interrogative sentences (interrogative adverbs, sentence tail interrogative words), of which the "return" question and the end of the interrogative words are the most frequent.
The fourth chapter discusses the choice of inquiry sentences. The selection of interrogative sentences in the interrogative sentence, "for, to be, to be, to be, is,", is all from the previous generation. The "yes" choice inquiry sentence has become mature and has initially formed a typical form of modern Chinese choice inquiry sentence. The two items have internal semantic links before and after the choice of inquiry sentences, which can be divided into positive and negative types. Meaning, order, invert and context.
The fifth chapter discusses the positive and negative inquiries. On the basis of a comprehensive description of the two sentence patterns of "VPNegVP?" and "VPNeg?", the deficiency of the "VPNeg?" sentence is emphatically discussed, and the principle of judgment is put forward with reference to the achievements of previous research.
The sixth chapter examines the measure inquiry sentence. In modern Chinese, the new "Mo" lines are in the main position, and the form is diverse and rich in change. This chapter discusses the deficiency of "Neg" in the end of the "MOH" sentence in detail, and thinks that the "Neg" at the end of the sentence has been turned into a mood word.
The seventh chapter deals with interrogative questions in a comprehensive way. The interrogative pronouns and their complex forms in the interrogative questions originate from different levels of the times, and there is a cross examination marking "state", "situation" and "situation". "Five lantern yuan" has omitted the sentence "making friction" turned into a question of non - rhetorical question. It is likely that the compiler takes into account the differences between the north and the south, and thus omits the end of the sentence for the popularization of the law.
The eighth chapter mainly investigates four special interrogative sentences, such as interrogative sentences, additional questions, greeting questions and exclamation questions. The overwhelming majority of the question sentences appear in the form of special questions. The form of additional questions is diverse and the form is more complex. The greeting questions are more spoken in spoken language and still live vividly in the spoken and written Chinese in modern Chinese. The frequency of exclamatory questions is not high, but from the pragmatic point of view, the exclamatory mood and strong emotional expression it expresses can not be replaced by other interrogative sentences.
The ninth chapter specializes in the tail language of interrogative sentences. The new tone word "Mo" is used most frequently, "no", "no" in the measure inquiry sentence has already been emptied into the mood word. The sentence tail mood word mainly concentrates on the non inquiry sentence.
The tenth, eleventh and two chapters make a comparative study of "five lanterns" and "Zhu Zi", < five lanterns > and < ancestral Collection > from two angles, and explore the commonness and highlight the personality, thus revealing the characteristics and historical status of the "five lantern yuan > question".
The last part is the remaining theory. This part summarizes the main conclusions of the paper, and points out the shortcomings of the paper and the areas to be further studied.


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