本文选题:敏感话题管理 + 汉语电视访谈 ; 参考:《山西大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文旨在通过审视所选敏感话题语料来回答如下四个问题:1.汉语电视访谈中的敏感话题管理由哪些部分组成,它们之间存在何种关系;2.其中的某些核心部分(敏感话题、次级话题和基础对)有何特点,它们在结构方面是否具有连续性;3.这些核心结构的连接结构是什么,以及,它们与社会行为间存在何种关系;4.话轮控制中是否存在一些惯例,这些惯例反映了何种社会结构。 在具体研究的过程中我们选取了会话分析这一研究方法,并努力遵循会话分析的传统来展开研究。通过研究,我们发现汉语电视访谈的敏感话题管理由四个部分组成,他们分别是:话轮、基础对、话段和敏感话题。其中,从结构上来说,话轮组成基础对,基础对组成话段,话段组成敏感话题。从功能上来说,通过话轮的选择产生了基础对,基础对的选择产生了话段,话段的选择产生了敏感话题。同时,通过对语料的分析和总结,我们提出了分别代表基础对、次级话题和敏感话题的三个结构框架,并发现它们的框架间存在着结构和功能上的一贯性。当对这三个核心部分进行了结构探讨之后,我们又对它们的连结结构进行了研究并发现它们彼此之间存在着一些基础性的连接手段,具体是指:问答结构和叙述回应结构,词语选择和短语选择。从中我们也发现,不同的研究对象存在着不同的侧重点,比如,在敏感话题形成过程中侧重基本语境之下的话题转换,而次级话题在其自身语境之下会更加注意彼此的连贯,到了基础对时只存在相邻对前件和相邻对后件这样简单的结构。通过对这一连接方式的研究,我们找出了使得敏感话题管理在变化中依然能够保持流畅的一些因素。当完成了一些基本的框架性的研究之后,我们又从一个更小也更为基本的层面,即话轮设计,来进行研究。我们发现,在敏感话题的管理中,受访者会出于对自身利益的考虑展开话轮的争夺,而此时的采访者也会通过对话轮的再控制来维护其机构性身份。 当然,我们的研究还有很多不足之处,对敏感话题在汉语电视访谈中几个方面的发现也只是进行相关研究的一个基础性工作。但是,我们仍然希望这些努力能够对他人以后的研究有所帮助或启示。
[Abstract]:This paper aims to answer the following four questions: 1 by examining the selected corpus of sensitive topics. The sensitive topic management in Chinese TV interview consists of what part and what kind of relationship exist between them. What are the characteristics of some of these core parts (sensitive topics, secondary topics and base pairs) and whether they are structurally consistent? What are the connecting structures of these core structures, and what is the relationship between them and social behavior? Whether there are some conventions in wheel control, which reflect the social structure. In the process of research, we choose the method of conversational analysis and try to follow the tradition of conversational analysis. Through the research, we find that the management of sensitive topics in Chinese TV interviews is composed of four parts: turn, basic pair, segment and sensitive topic. In terms of structure, the basic pair, the basic part and the segment constitute the sensitive topic. From the perspective of function, the selection of base pairs produces basic pairs, the selection of basic pairs produces segments, and the selection of segments leads to sensitive topics. At the same time, through the analysis and summary of the corpus, we propose three structural frameworks representing basic pair, sub-topic and sensitive topic, and find that there is structural and functional consistency between them. After discussing the structure of these three core parts, we have studied their connecting structures and found that there are some basic means of connection between them, specifically: question and answer structure and narrative response structure. Choice of words and phrases. We also find that different subjects have different emphases, for example, in the process of forming sensitive topics, they focus on the change of topics under the basic context, while the secondary topics pay more attention to each other's coherence in their own context. At the base pair, there is only a simple structure of adjacent front and adjacent pair. Through the study of this connection, we find some factors that make sensitive topic management flow smoothly in the process of change. After some basic frame studies have been completed, we study from a smaller and more basic level, namely, the wheel design. We found that in the management of sensitive topics, the interviewees would compete for their own interests, and the interviewees would maintain their institutional identity through the re-control of the dialogue rounds. Of course, there are still many shortcomings in our research. The findings of sensitive topics in Chinese TV interviews are only a basic work of related research. However, we still hope that these efforts will be helpful or enlightening to others in the future.
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