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发布时间:2018-06-07 07:20

  本文选题:翻译伦理 + 忠实论 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:在漫长的翻译史中,,种种理论话语都包含强烈的道德内涵,其中大部分,如果不能说全部的话,都或明白或隐性地涉及“应该如何翻译”这一话题。在历史上,对翻译伦理的探讨通常都围绕着“忠实”这一概念。而自上世纪八、九十年代以来,随着翻译研究视阈的不断拓展,翻译概念得到了前所未有的扩展,集中体现了求同伦理和差异伦理之间的差别,一旦抛弃了对虚幻的同一性的追求,种种差异为翻译伦理问题开启了无数新的可能。诸多翻译研究者和行业从业者对翻译伦理问题投注了越来越多的关注和热情,伦理和翻译的关系已经逐渐成为翻译理论家们绕不开的话题,有关翻译伦理的论述异彩纷呈。 本研究从史的角度总结和梳理了上世纪八九十年代以来中西方有代表性的翻译伦理研究成果,并结合伦理学的相关原理、从元理论研究的角度对其中存在的问题和误区进行了分析和反思,在此基础上对“翻译伦理”概念的准确界定、“伦理学途径”翻译研究的进一步发展提出自己的思考。 本研究共由七部分构成。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了本文研究课题的由来以及本研究的目标、意义和方法。 第二章对上世纪八、九十年代翻译伦理问题成为译学界热点以来的中西方翻译伦理研究进行简要综述,为本研究之后的论述提供一个背景铺垫。 第三章追溯了上世纪八、九十年代以来翻译伦理由“求同”转为“差异”的发展轨迹,并对差异伦理进行了反思。在后现代性主导的语境下,普遍性受到批判,差异性得到张扬,翻译角色和翻译伦理发生了种种重塑,传统的忠实论难以为继,自贝尔曼之后,韦努蒂理论、后殖民研究、女性主义研究纷纷强调彰显“差异性”。然而,新兴的差异伦理也不能摆脱伦理上的质疑。一方面,种种秉持后现代理念的解放性理论途径彻底颠覆了传统的原文或原意忠实论,但究其实质,只是对“定义忠实的规则”抱有“强烈的怀疑”,而其差异伦理主张无异于调整忠实定义规则之后的某种改写版忠实论,导致双重标准的质疑;另一方面,作为差异伦理旨归的“显形”、“直译”、“异化”等策略都显得异常模糊,在实际运用中陷入无穷尽的解释困境,以至于更接近于一种立场的选择而不是实践翻译策略。后现代语境下种种张扬的“差异”凸显出了翻译伦理问题,而其答案不可能是某种新型的、简单化的“应该忠于……”或“对……负责”。 第四章主要在义务论的视阈下介绍和评价了上世纪七八十年代以来翻译职业伦理领域的重要成果。早期目的论强调理论框架的“价值无涉”,但无论是其理论话语本质上的规定性,或是第二代目的论者诺德作为传统忠实论修正版的“忠诚”概念,均暗含规范伦理诉求,直接关照职业翻译领域;安东尼·皮姆的职业伦理模型旨在为翻译行业构建一个隐形且具有专业独立性的共同职业形象,为此要求译者“忠诚于作为交互文化空间的翻译职业”;切斯特曼在义务论和功利论框架下对翻译伦理的基础理论问题进行了多方探讨,并基于麦金太尔的德性伦理学理论提出了承诺伦理模式,其成果对于翻译职业伦理的建构具有重要意义。上述三种研究均可大致归入义务论规范伦理范畴,在促进翻译职业化方面具有不可替代的作用,但职业伦理并不能保证道德上的“好”,翻译伦理研究显然不止于职业伦理规范的建构。 第五章探讨了翻译研究中的规定性、描写性与翻译伦理问题的关系。通过追溯翻译研究由传统的规定性转向描写研究、再走向新一轮的规定性的发展历程,本章试图揭示,在研究方法上把规定与描写截然对立的做法,与翻译领域中另外一些传统的二元对立命题,如忠实或叛逆、隐形或显形等一样,并非有意义地探讨“应该如何译”问题的关键所在。而恰恰是在忠或不忠、规定或描写的理论解释力无以为继的时候,真正的伦理问题才显露出来。 第六章结合翻译研究领域的当下状况和伦理学相关理论从多角度对“翻译伦理”基本概念进行了深入分析。本章首先介绍和探讨了翻译伦理问题在国内兴起的时代背景以及当前国内翻译伦理研究明显的“规范”导向,其后引入伦理学领域对“伦理”和“道德”、“规范”和“价值”这两对术语在概念、意义上的区分,在此基础上提出,“翻译伦理”不等于“伦理规范”,引入道德哲学、德性伦理学相关资源探索翻译中真正的道德价值,以此关照职业规范的制订,才是“伦理学途径”翻译研究最具潜力的发展路向。 “结语”部分对研究进行了总结与回顾,并指出了本研究的价值、局限以及未来的发展空间。
[Abstract]:In the long history of translation, all kinds of theoretical discourse contain strong moral connotations. Most of them, if not all, involve the topic of "how should we translate". In history, the discussion of ethics of translation usually revolves around the concept of "faithfulness". Since the eight, 90s, the last century, With the continuous expansion of the horizon of translation studies, the concept of translation has been expanded unprecedentedly, which embodies the differences between the ethics of seeking the same and the difference ethics. Once the pursuit of the illusory identity is abandoned, many new possibilities have been opened to the ethical problems of translation. The issue of ethical translation has attracted more and more attention and enthusiasm. The relationship between ethics and translation has gradually become a topic that the translation theorists are not open to.
This study summarizes and combs the representative achievements of translation ethics in China and the West since the 80s and 90s of the last century, and analyzes and reflects on the problems and misunderstandings in the perspective of meta theory, and defines the concept of "translation ethics" on the basis of the related principles of ethics. The further development of translation studies of ethical approaches put forward its own thinking.
This study is made up of seven parts. The first part is an introduction, which mainly introduces the origin of this study and the objectives, significance and methods of this study.
The second chapter gives a brief overview of the study of translation ethics in the Chinese and Western countries since the translation ethics in the eight and 90s of the last century, and provides a background for the discussion after this study.
The third chapter traces back to the development track of translation ethics from "seeking the same" to "difference" since the eight and 90s of the last century, and rethinks the difference ethics. In the context of post modernity, the universality is criticized, the difference is publicized, the translation roles and the ethics of translation have been remolded, and the traditional faithfulness is thought to be After Behrman, Venuti's theory, postcolonial research, and feminist studies have highlighted the "difference". However, the emerging difference ethics can not get rid of the ethical questions. On the one hand, all kinds of liberated theories that hold the post modern concept completely subvert the traditional original or original theory of faithfulness, but the essence of the theory is the only one. It is a "strong doubt" to "the rule of the definition of loyalty", and its differential ethical proposition is no different from a rewritten version of faithfulness after the regulation of the faithful definition rules, which leads to doubting the double standards; on the other hand, the strategy of "explicit", "literal translation" and "alienation", as the purpose of the difference ethics, appears to be abnormally fuzzy. There is no exhaustive interpretation of the dilemma, so that it is closer to the choice of a position rather than a practical translation strategy. The postmodern "differences" in the postmodern context highlight the ethical issues of translation, and the answer can not be a new type of simple "should be faithful to." or "right."
The fourth chapter introduces and evaluates the important achievements in the field of translation professional ethics since the 70s and 80s of the last century under the threshold of the theory of obligation. Early teleology emphasizes the "value of no matter" in the theoretical framework, but whether it is the essence of its theoretical discourse, or the second generation of theory Nord as a revised version of the traditional theory of faithfulness. The concept of "loyalty" implies the normative ethical appeal, which directly concerns the field of professional translation; Anthony Pim's professional ethics model aims to build an invisible and professional image of professional independence for the translation industry. Therefore, the translator requires the translator to "be loyal to the translation profession as an interactive cultural space"; In the framework of theory and utilitarianism, the basic theory of translation ethics is discussed in many ways. Based on Macintyre's moral ethics, a commitment ethics model is put forward. The results are of great significance to the construction of translation professional ethics. These three kinds of studies can be roughly classified into the normative ethics category of the obligation theory and promote the translation job. The aspect of industrialization has an irreplaceable role, but the professional ethics does not guarantee the moral "good". The study of translation ethics is obviously more than the construction of professional ethics.
The fifth chapter discusses the relationship between the prescriptive, descriptive and ethical problems in translation studies. Through the retroactive translation study, the traditional prescriptive turn is turned to the descriptive study and then to a new round of prescriptive development. This chapter attempts to reveal, in the way of research, that the rules and descriptions are opposite to the description, and the other in the field of translation. Some traditional two propositions, such as loyalty or rebellion, stealth or display, are not the key to the problem of "how to translate", but the true ethical problems are revealed when loyalty or infidelity is unsuccessful.
The sixth chapter makes an in-depth analysis of the basic concepts of "translation ethics" from the present situation in the field of translation studies and ethical related theories. This chapter first introduces and discusses the background of the rise of translation ethics in China and the obvious "normative" orientation of the current domestic translation ethics, followed by the introduction of ethics. On the basis of the distinction between "ethics" and "morality", "standard" and "value", it is proposed that "translation ethics" is not equal to "ethical norms", the introduction of moral philosophy, moral ethics related resources to explore the true moral values in translation, so as to take care of the formulation of professional norms. It is the most potential development direction of "ethical approach" in translation studies.
The conclusion summarizes and reviews the research, and points out the value, limitations and future development of this research.


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