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发布时间:2018-06-11 10:28

  本文选题:江苏北部 + 交界地区 ; 参考:《江苏师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:江苏北部的沂、沭、宿三地相接地区,不仅是行政地域的交界地区,也是中原官话和江淮官话两种语言的交界地区。该地区的语言呈现出许多过渡性特征。 本文根据中原官话和江淮官话的主要特点,通过十七项语音特征对比字组和一百多条基本词汇,对交界地区方言进行了以行政村为单位的大范围考察,在一定程度上厘清了交界地区的语言状况。同时根据调查结果,绘制了四十余幅方言地图,力求从多个角度对交界地区方言现状做出分析和解释。 入声的有无是方言分区的一条重要标准。交界地区语言的竞争导致入声的变化十分复杂,不仅存在着入声舒化的现象,而且入声韵母的套数和数量也不一致。考察发现,交界地区其他语音特征和词汇条目都没有与入声分界线完全吻合的同言线。因此本文作者认为,在讨论交界地区方言划分时,,采取单一的语音标准仍不失为一种有效易行的办法。 本文研究发现,交界地区语言的发展是不平衡的,很多语言现象的形成都不是完全同步的。该地区的语音特点和所谓的鉴别词与入声同言线一样,基本都呈东西分布格局,但是也有一些语音和词汇的发展成南北走势。 本文研究认为,造成交界地区语言状况复杂的原因不仅是语言本身的问题,同时也与地理地貌、行政区划、交通状况、语言认同、心理认知、传媒教育、政治经济以及戏曲文化等非语言因素有关。
[Abstract]:The region of Yi, Shu and Su-san in the north of Jiangsu is not only the border area of administrative region, but also the junction of the two languages of the Central Plains Mandarin and the Jianghuai Mandarin. According to the main features of Central Plains Mandarin and Jianghuai Mandarin, this paper compares 17 phonological features with more than 100 basic words. This paper investigates the dialects of the borderline area in a wide range, and clarifies the language situation in the borderline area to a certain extent. At the same time, according to the results of the investigation, more than 40 dialect maps have been drawn to analyze and explain the present situation of dialects in the borderline area from many angles. The presence or absence of accents is an important criterion for dialect zoning. The competition of language in the borderline area leads to the change of entering sound is very complex, not only exists the phenomenon of entering sound relaxation, but also the number and quantity of the vowels of the entering vowels are not consistent. It is found that the other phonological features and lexical entries in the borderline do not coincide with the line of speech perfectly. Therefore, the author thinks that it is still an effective and feasible method to adopt a single phonetic standard when discussing the division of dialects in the borderline areas, and it is found that the development of languages in the borderline areas is unbalanced. Many linguistic phenomena are not completely synchronized. The phonetic characteristics of the area and the so-called discriminating words are basically the same as the lines of the input words, which are basically distributed in east-west pattern, but there are also some phonetic and lexical features that have developed into the trend of the north and south. The reason for the complexity of the language situation in the border areas is not only the language itself, but also the geographical landforms, administrative divisions, traffic conditions, language identity, psychological cognition, media education, Political economy and drama culture and other non-linguistic factors.


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