发布时间:2018-06-17 15:00
本文选题:线性时间 + 时间概念化 ; 参考:《西南大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:时间是我们认知世界的基本范畴。对时间概念的研究首先是对时间特性的探讨,在这个方面,哲学、心理学和认知语言学都通过人对时间的体验,把时间和客观世界联系起来,使时间具有空间运动性和事件性。通过把空间和空间中的物体映射到时间范畴,时间就获得了方向性、不可逆性、持续性和可测量性等特征。本论文以哲学和认知心理学等相关领域时间概念为基础,在认知语言学的概念隐喻、概念转喻以及和隐喻-转喻的互动所建构的理论框架内,对时间的概念化机制及其语言表征进行了研究,主要发现包括以下几个方面: 第一,对时间的空间识解考察发现,认知语言学的时间认知模型与哲学和心理学的时间概念密切相关,从某种意义上说,哲学和心理学的相关理论奠定了认知语言学时间认知模型的理论基础。 从哲学的时间概念视角出发,时间等同于存在,特别是人的存在,因此,人的身体结构可以自然解释时间运动的方向。时间认知模型的“时间在动”和“自我在动”中的运动也是基于人的身体朝向和所处位置,与哲学关于时间运动的概念是一致的。 认知心理学与认知语言学一样把时间认知过程看着是一个隐喻概念化过程,把对时间概念的理解视为人对事物运动的理解,这样,时间概念依附在一个较之具体的概念上而抽象出概念特征,时间认知和时间表征都不是从时间本身出发,而是以其它相关概念为依托,特别是以运动、空间和事件为依托实现概念化,因此,时间可以“来临、飞逝、流走、加速、减缓”等。 第二,中英文线性时间思维隐喻表征。我们通过北京大学中国语言学研究中心(CCL)语料库和英国国家语料库(BNC)对中文方位词“前”、“后”、“上”、“下”和英文介词before (in front of), after (behind), up, down用于时间频率的对比,发现中英文线性时间思维表征有以下特征: (1)中英文都使用前后方向的水平词汇表征时间。由于英语中before和after与in front of和behind存在时间和空间使用的对应关系,因此,before和after几乎成为英语中专门描述水平时间的介词,用于表征时间的使用频繁,频率高达95.6%和88.4%,而in front of和behind主要用于描述空间。before和after的时间表征进一步证实了英语中水平时间思维的普遍性和主导性。 中文的“前”、“后”为时间和空间共用词汇,但在CCL语料库中,它们的时间用法高出空间用法很多,分别为71%和67%,说明中文的水平时间思维也很普遍。 (2)从语料库的语言实例看,“前”、“后”和before、after在表征水平时间方位时,往往不使用自我中心参照框架,更多使用时间或事件参照框架,因此,“前”、“后”和before、after表征的时间方位不一定指示未来和过去的方位,它们更多地表示时间和事件的先后顺序。 (3)中英文垂直线性时间思维表征有较大差异。英文中描述空间方位的词汇up和down在语料库中主要为空间用法,时间用法极为罕见(BNC语料库中up和down的时间用法均为0.8%),证明英语中的线性时间思维更多为水平时间。尽管如此,语言表征中还是有垂直时间思维现象。 垂直时间思维表征中,中英文中都表现为过去的时间在上面,木来的时间在下面。但涉及时间的运动时,中文时间运动的方向是自上而下的,即中文的垂直时间构想方式是从过去向未来移动。在英文的垂直时间构想中,时间可以自上而下,也可以自下而上,即时间从过去走向未来,也从未来走向过去。移动的方向自下面而来时,时间从未来的时间移动到现在(例如:A new version of Pride and Prejudice is coming up.);移动方向自上而下时,过去的时间自上面而来到现在(例如:The tradition has passed down to present from Victoria time.)。 (4)中文的水平时间思维表征远远高于垂直时间思维表征。“上”、“下”在CCL语料库中的时间用法也占一定比例,分别是12%和9.3%,说明中文中垂直时间思维方式也大量使用,但水平时间思维更为普遍(71%和67%)。就时间的方向而言,中文的垂直时间可以指示时间的方位,也可以指示时间的顺序,过去为上,未来为下,早先的时间为上,晚些的时间为下。 第三,时间表征中转喻现象的普遍性。对时间概念化的转喻实现方式的探讨是本研究的一个重要创新点。转喻是一个概念化过程(RaddenKovecses,2006:336),从人类认知的转喻性特征看,时间认知也是一个概念化过程,转喻是时间概念化的一种重要方式,它通过与空间运动、事件和其他相关事物发生转喻联系实现自身的概念化。通过考察,我们发现时间转喻主要包括六种类型: (1)时间与事件转喻。首先,时间与事件之间有内在转喻联系,事件的发生、存在都离不开时间,时间也依托事件存在。转喻基于范畴内部概念实体的邻接性,人们在对各种事件的体验认知过程中,形成完整的概念框架。框架内的成分也有一种邻接性特征,这种邻接关系往往会促进转喻的发生(Kovecses,2005)。人类在认知事件因素过程中产生的转喻思维使时间和事件产生概念性联系,两个实体融为同一图式,时间和事件二者相互指代,时间与事件的转喻实现了时间的概念化。其次,时间与事件之间的转喻也是参照点转喻,时间和事件在我们的认知中形成转喻联系后,语言表征时往往凸显其中一个而隐去另外一个。与其他类型的参照点转喻一样,说话人或听话人可以激活时间作为一个参照点,为事件提供一个心理通道,或者激活事件作为参照点,为时间提供一个心理通道,形成时间与事件相关的整体图式。 (2)时间与空间转喻。包括两个方面:一是用空间距离转喻时距。时间借助空间实现概念化后,有了空间时间的概念,空间中的距离可以量化,事件发生在某个空间中,总有一个开始和结束的时间,虽然不能用测量空间距离的单位量化,但可以用描述空间距离的词汇描述时间,如在“两次地震发生的时间相距不远”中,“相距不远”是一个空间距离叙述用于时间叙述。二是用时距转喻空间距离。时间与人类的日常活动联系更为紧密,人们更容易意识到时间的存在,在潜意识中遵循认知从简原则,在空间距离表达更复杂时转而用时间量化,例如,我们很容易记住“重庆到成都有3小时车程”,但很少有人记住两地之间的里程是多少。 (3)活动时间与活动内容之间的转喻。空间时间把时间概念化为一个可以容纳人和事物的容器,活动既占据空间也占据时间,因此,一个时间量也包含了这段时间中活动的内容,例如“晨读了30分钟”中的“30分钟”像个包容性器皿容纳了读书活动。 (4)时间特征与时间概念转喻。一段时间或一个时节具有标记性特征,如春天温暖湿润,秋季草木枯黄、天高云淡,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷等,这些特征常用来转喻具有这些特征的某个时间(范畴或概念)。 (5)部分时间与整体时间转喻。一个整体时间由不同的时间阶段组成,因此,整体时间中的部分如一年包含四季、月、天、小时等,常用来转喻某个整体时间。 (6)实物与时间概念转喻。人类使用的计时仪器是以实物表征时间概念,它们之间的联系是时间转喻思维的体现。在一定的语境中,计时用的实物在交际双方的共同认知框架内转喻时间概念,或时间概念转喻实物。 第四,时间概念化中存在隐喻转喻互动。时间概念化中的隐喻和转喻表征并不都有明显的分界线,它们之间的范畴分界与其他自然范畴一样存在成员归属的等级性和范畴边界模糊性,因此,隐喻和转喻有时形成一个连续体对时间进行概念化。包括三种情况: (1)转喻语义和隐喻语义连续发生。一个具体的时间词语首先引发转喻,继而产生隐喻联想,使语义先后延伸。 (2)隐喻和转喻语义同时发生。隐喻转喻连续体中二者语义同时发生,隐喻转喻各自的路径同时指向一个时间词汇,产生复合语义。 (3)隐喻和转喻语义交替发生。语义的交替产生源于时间识解的概念化方式,当识解一个时间词汇或短语时需要使用隐喻和转喻,但两种认知手段是先后使用的,可以先隐喻再转喻,也可以先转喻再隐喻,这种识解方式产生语义的交替。 总之,本研究在前人研究基础上力求在方法和内容上有所创新,既借用了前人的研究成果,如心理学对中英文时间隐喻思维表征的实验和语言观察研究,也尝试去发现时间认知研究中被忽略的方面,如中英文时间隐喻表征的语料库研究、时间概念化的转喻研究、隐转喻(metaphtonymy)认知现象等。在丰富时间概念化表征研究、弥补时间词汇语义学研究的不足方面取得了有益进展。
[Abstract]:Time is the basic category of our cognition of the world. The study of time concept is first of all about time characteristics. In this respect, philosophy, psychology and cognitive linguistics all connect time with the objective world through human experience of time, so that time has space and event. By the objects in space and space By mapping to the time category, time has acquired the characteristics of direction, irreversibility, persistence and measurability. This thesis is based on the concept of time in the related fields of philosophy and cognitive psychology. In the theoretical framework constructed by conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy and metonymy interaction in cognitive linguistics, the concept of time is conceptualized. The main findings include the following aspects:
First, the study of spatial understanding of time shows that the time cognitive model of cognitive linguistics is closely related to the concept of time in philosophy and psychology. In a sense, the theory of philosophy and psychology has laid the theoretical foundation of the cognitive linguistics time cognition model.
From the perspective of philosophical time concept, time is equivalent to existence, especially human existence. Therefore, human body structure can naturally explain the direction of time movement. The movement of time cognitive model, "time in motion" and "self moving", is based on human body direction and position, and philosophy about time movement. It is the same idea.
Cognitive psychology, like cognitive linguistics, looks at the cognitive process of time as a metaphorical process of conceptualization. The understanding of the concept of time is regarded as a person's understanding of the movement of things, so that the concept of time abstracts the characteristics of a concept on a more specific concept. Both time cognition and time representation are not based on time itself. It is based on other related concepts, especially on the basis of movement, space and events. Therefore, time can "come, fly, flow, accelerate, slow down".
Second, Chinese and English linear time thinking metaphorical characterization. We found Chinese and English through the comparison of the time and frequency of Chinese azimuth words "before", "after", "upper", "lower", "lower" and "in front of", "after (behind)", up, down used in time and frequency, through the CCL corpus of the Chinese Linguistics Research Center (CCL) and the British National Corpus (BNC). The characteristics of linear time thinking are as follows:
(1) both Chinese and English use horizontal vocabulary representation time in the direction of front and back. Due to the correspondence between before and after in English and the time and space use of in front of and behind, before and after almost become the prepositions describing the horizontal time of the English secondary school, which is used to represent the frequent use of time, and the frequency is up to 95.6% and 88.4%, and in F. Ront of and behind are mainly used to describe the time representation of spatial.Before and after, which further confirms the universality and dominance of horizontal time thinking in English.
In Chinese, "before" and "after" are the common vocabulary of time and space, but in the CCL corpus, their time usage is much more than space usage, 71% and 67% respectively, indicating that the thinking of horizontal time in Chinese is also very common.
(2) from the corpus language example, "former", "post" and "before", after often do not use the egocentric reference frame and use more time or event reference frame when characterizing the horizontal orientation. Therefore, the time orientation of "front", "post" and "before", and after representation does not necessarily indicate the direction of the future and the past, they are more surface The sequence of time and events.
(3) there are great differences in the vertical linear time thinking representation between Chinese and English. The vocabulary up and down describing spatial orientation in English are mainly space usage in the corpus, and the time usage is extremely rare (the time usage of up and down in the BNC corpus is 0.8%), which proves that the linear time time thinking in English is more horizontal. There is still a vertical time of thinking.
In the vertical time thinking, both English and Chinese represent the past time in the above, and the time of the wood comes below. But when the time movement is involved, the direction of the Chinese time movement is top-down, that is, the Chinese vertical time conception is moving from the past to the future. In the vertical time conception of English, time can be from top to bottom. It can also move from the past to the future, and from the future to the past. When the direction of the movement comes from below, time moves from the future time to the present (for example: A new version of Pride and Prejudice is coming up.); when the moving direction comes from top to bottom, the past time comes from above (for example: The tradi) Tion has passed down to present from Victoria time.).
(4) the level of time thinking in Chinese is much higher than that of vertical time thinking. The time usage of "upper" and "lower" in the CCL corpus also accounts for a certain proportion, respectively 12% and 9.3%, indicating that the vertical time thinking mode is also widely used in Chinese, but the thinking of horizontal time is more common (71% and 67%). In terms of the direction of time, Chinese Vertical time can indicate the direction of time, or indicate the order of time.
Third, the universality of metonymy phenomenon in the timetable. The discussion of the metonymy realization of time conceptualization is an important innovation in this study. Metonymy is a conceptual process (RaddenKovecses, 2006:336). From the metonymy characteristics of human cognition, time cognition is also a conceptual process, metonymy is a kind of time conceptualization. The important way is to realize its own conceptualization through the metonymy connection with space movement, events and other related things. Through investigation, we find that time metonymy mainly includes six types:
(1) time and event metonymy. First, there is an intrinsic metonymy connection between time and event, the occurrence of events, the existence of time and the existence of events. Metonymy is based on the adjacency of the conceptual entity within the category, and people form a complete conceptual framework in the process of experience cognition of various events. The components within the framework also have one. The adjacency characteristics, which often promote metonymy, often promote the occurrence of metonymy (Kovecses, 2005). The metonymy thought produced in the process of cognitive events causes a conceptual connection between time and events, two entities are fused into the same schema, time and event two refer to each other, and time and event metonymy realize the conceptualization of time. Secondly, the metonymy between time and event is also a reference point metonymy. After time and events form a metonymy connection in our cognition, language representation often highlights one of them and implicitly go to the other. As with other types of reference point metonymy, the speaker or listener can activate the time as a reference point to provide an event for the event. A psychological channel or activation event serves as a reference point to provide a psychological channel for time and form an overall schema related to events.
(2) time and space metonymy, including two aspects: one is the use of space distance metonymy time distance. After the concept of time by space, the concept of space time has the concept of space time, the distance in the space can be quantified, the event occurs in a certain space, there is always a beginning and end time, although it can not be quantified by the unit of measuring space distance, but can not be quantified. To describe the time by describing the space distance, for example, in the time of "the time of two earthquakes not far apart", "the distance is not far away" is a space distance narration for time narration. Two is the space distance from the time distance metonymy. Time is more closely connected with the daily activities of human beings. People are more aware of the existence of time and the latent meaning. Knowledge follows the principle of cognitive reduction and turns to time when space distance is more complex. For example, it is easy to remember that "Chongqing to Chengdu has a 3 hour drive", but few people remember how much mileage is between the two places.
(3) metonymy between activity time and activity content. Space time conceptualizations to a container that can hold people and things, activities occupy both space and time, so one time also contains the content of activities in this period, such as "30 minutes" in "morning reading for 30 minutes" like an inclusive utensil. Reading activities.
(4) time concept and time concept metonymy. A period of time or a period with marked characteristics, such as spring warm moist, autumn grass and trees yellow, sky high cloud light, summer heat, winter cold and so on, these characteristics are commonly used to metonymy for some time (category or concept) with these characteristics.
(5) part time and whole time metonymy. A whole time is composed of different time periods, so the part of the whole time, such as a year, includes four seasons, months, days, hours and so on, often used to metonymy for a certain time.
(6) metonymy of the concept of object and time. The time concept used by human beings is the concept of physical representation time. The connection between them is the embodiment of time metonymy thinking. In a certain context, the objects used in the timing are metonymy in the common cognitive framework of the two parties, or the conceptual metonymy of time.
Fourth, metonymy interaction exists in time conceptualization. Metaphorical and metonymy characterizations in time conceptualization do not both have distinct boundaries. The category boundary between them has the same class of membership and category boundary fuzziness as other natural categories. Therefore, metaphor and metonymy sometimes form a continuum for time. It includes three cases:
(1) metonymy semantics and metaphorical semantics continue to occur. A specific temporal word first leads to metonymy, which leads to metaphorical Association and semantic extension.
(2) metonymy and metonymy semantics occur simultaneously. The two semantics of metonymy continuum occur simultaneously. The respective paths of metonymy point to a time vocabulary and produce compound semantics.
(3) metaphorical and metonymy semantic alternations occur alternately. The alternation of semantics is derived from the conceptualization of time construal. When understanding a time vocabulary or phrase, metaphor and metonymy are needed, but the two cognitive means are used successively, which can first be metaphorical and metonymy, and then metaphorical and then metaphorical, which produces a semantic alternation.
On the basis of previous studies, this study seeks to make innovations in methods and contents. It not only borrows from previous research results, such as the experimental and linguistic observation of time metaphorical thinking in Chinese and English, but also attempts to find out the neglected aspects in the study of time cognition, such as the corpus of Chinese and English time metaphorical representation. The metonymy study of time conceptions, cognitive metonymy (metaphtonymy), and so on. It has made useful progress in enriching the research of time conceptual representation and making up for the lack of time lexical semantics.
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