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发布时间:2018-06-23 20:53

  本文选题:趋向补语 + 移动动词 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文考察并分析了‘V起来‘结构的意义,宾语的分布情况,助词‘了’的出现位置,以及各个形式所具有的主要意义。有关‘起来’的研究大部分只考察‘起来’所具有的意义,或者只论及宾语的位置,本文则考察并分析了‘V起来’结构所具有的语义特征和句法特征。 首先,‘V起来’结构的语义可分为五类。 第一,方向意义。表示人或物通过某个动作由下至上移动的方向。第二,起始意义。表示某个动作开始进行或状态开始变化。第三,完成意义。表示某个动作已经实现,或者已经得到某种结果,,或者变为其它某种状态。 第四,见解意义。表示自己的推测或见解。第五,假设意义。表示为了证明某种事实时进行的假设。本文从这五个方面把‘V起来’结构所具有的意义分为了五类,并把与‘起来’结合的动词进行了分类。 首先按照是否表示具体的动作这一语义特征,把与‘起来’结合的260个动词分为动作动词和状态动词,其中动作动词有208个,状态动词有52个。动作动词又进一步分为移动动词和非移动动词,移动动词又分为表示垂直移动动词的动词(10个),非垂直移动动词的动词(34个),通过这样的分类,考察了各类动词在与‘起来’结合时所表示的语义,宾语所在的位置以及‘了’的位置。
[Abstract]:This paper investigates and analyzes the meaning of the structure, the distribution of the object, the location of the auxiliary, and the significance of the various forms. Most of the studies on'up 'only examine the meaning of' up'or the position of object. This paper examines and analyzes the semantic and syntactic characteristics of'up 'structure. First of all, the semantics of the structure can be divided into five categories. First, the significance of direction. The direction in which a person or thing moves from bottom to top through an action. Second, the initial meaning. Indicates that an action begins or the state begins to change. Third, the significance of completion. Indicates that an action has been implemented, has obtained a result, or has become a certain state. Fourth, the significance of opinion. To express one's own speculation or opinion. Fifth, hypothetical meaning. An assumption made in order to prove a fact. In this paper, the meaning of the structure is divided into five categories from these five aspects, and the verbs combined with "get up" are classified. Firstly, 260 verbs combined with 'get up' are divided into action verbs and state verbs according to the semantic feature of whether or not to represent specific actions, of which 208 are action verbs and 52 are state verbs. The action verbs are further divided into moving verbs and non-moving verbs, moving verbs are divided into verbs representing vertical moving verbs (10) and non-vertical moving verbs (34), by this classification, The semantics, the position of the object and the position of the object are investigated when the verbs are combined with 'get up'.


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