本文选题:老挝 + 乌多姆塞 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:老挝,海外华人又称之为寮国,是中南半岛的内陆国家,云南毗邻老挝北部地区,有较长边境线相邻。现在中国和东盟国家各方面的互助合作正日益加强,,云南省正在加快建设成为我国面向西南开放的重要桥头堡省市,但是,关于老挝裔人的云南方言状况的研究甚少。本论文以老挝乌多姆塞汉语云南方言为例,尝试对乌多姆塞汉语云南方言语音、词汇和语法进行较为系统地描写和分析,力图反映乌多姆塞汉语云南方言的整体面貌及特色。 本论文共分为五个部分: 第一部分引言,分别介绍了选题背景与原因、本论文的研究内容及方法和发音合作人的情况 第二部分语音,在描写乌多姆塞汉语云南方言音系的基础上,将其与普通话、《广韵》作共时、历时比较,从而得出乌多姆塞汉语云南方言的语音特色。 第三部分词汇,笔者主要根据《方言词汇调查手册》调查并按天文、地理、农事等类编写了词汇分类表,共收集了1994个方言词汇。 第四部分语法,主要从词法和句法两方面进行分析研究。词法部分,分别探讨了名词、动词、形容词、代词、副词、介词、助词、连词及语气词。句法部分分别对被动句、处置句、“口格”字句、否定句、比较句、疑问句、祈使句以及存现句进行了分析研究。
[Abstract]:Laos, also known as Laos by overseas Chinese, is a landlocked country on the Indochina Peninsula. Yunnan is adjacent to the northern part of Laos and has a long border. At present, the mutual assistance and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries are being strengthened day by day. Yunnan Province is speeding up to become an important bridgehead city and province facing the southwest opening of our country. However, there is little research on the situation of Laotian people's Yunnan dialect. Taking the Yunnan dialect of Wudomsai Chinese in Laos as an example, this paper attempts to systematically describe and analyze the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of the Yunnan dialect in order to reflect the overall features and features of the Yunnan dialect. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the introduction, respectively, introduced the background and reasons of the topic, the research content and methods of this paper and the situation of the voice of the second part of the voice, On the basis of describing the phonological system of the Yunnan dialect of Wudomsai, the phonological characteristics of the Yunnan dialect of Wudomsai are obtained by comparing it with Putonghua and "Guangyun" in a diachronic manner. The third part of the vocabulary, the author mainly according to the "dialect vocabulary survey manual" survey and according to astronomy, geography, agriculture and other categories of vocabulary classification, a total of 1994 dialect vocabulary collected. The fourth part of grammar, mainly from the lexical and syntactic two aspects of analysis and research. The lexical part discusses nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, auxiliary words, conjunctions and mood words. The syntactic part analyzes the passive sentence, the disposition sentence, the "mouth case" sentence, the negative sentence, the comparative sentence, the interrogative sentence, the imperative sentence and the existential sentence.
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