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发布时间:2018-07-05 04:32

  本文选题:南雄方言 + 词汇 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:南雄方言的归属问题一直是学界关注的焦点。本文主要从词汇的层面研究南雄方言。通过南雄方言词汇的内部比较及横向比较,力图揭示南雄方言内部词汇的一致性与差异性,以及南雄方言词汇与周边其他汉语方言词汇的亲疏关系,为解决南雄方言的定性及内部划分等问题提供一些科学依据。 论文主要分四章。第一章,简要介绍南雄地理、历史、语言、语言研究现状、语言材料的来源等情况。第二章,简要介绍南雄方言四个方言片代表点的音系。第三章,通过南雄方言词汇的内部比较分析,揭示南雄境内各方言点词汇的一致性和差异性,并简要分析了南雄方言词汇的特点。第四章,通过南雄方言与周边其他汉语方言词汇的横向比较,探讨南雄方言词汇和周边其他汉语方言词汇之间的亲疏关系。 通过南雄境内各方言点词汇的内部比较,我们知道,南雄境内各方言点间完全一致的词语数量很多,而彼此完全不同的词语数量很少,由此可知南雄境内方言词汇的一致性很高。因此,我们认为,南雄各点方言当归属同一方言大区,这为新编(2008年版)《中国语言地图集》把南雄方言一并划归客家方言区提供了词汇方面的依据。根据南雄境内各方言点词汇的计量比较结果可知,黄坑和帽子峰两个方言点间词汇的相似度最高,而雄州和坪田两个方言点间词汇的相似度则相对较低,这可为南雄方言内部分片提供一定的依据。根据南雄方言词汇与周边其他汉语方言词汇的计量比较结果可知,南雄方言词汇与梅县方言词汇的相似度最高,与长来方言词汇的相似度次之,与广州方言词汇的相似度最低,这可进一步为(2008年版)《中国语言地图集》把南雄划分为纯客县提供重要的依据。
[Abstract]:The attribution of Nanxiong dialect has always been the focus of academic attention. This paper mainly studies Nanxiong dialect from the lexical level. Through the internal and horizontal comparison of the vocabulary of Nanxiong dialect, this paper tries to reveal the consistency and difference of the vocabulary in Nanxiong dialect, as well as the intimate relationship between the vocabulary of Nanxiong dialect and other Chinese dialects around it. It provides some scientific basis for solving the qualitative and internal division of Nanxiong dialect. The paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces Nanxiong's geography, history, the present situation of language research, the source of language materials and so on. The second chapter briefly introduces the phonology of the four dialects in Nanxiong dialect. The third chapter, through the internal comparative analysis of the words in Nanxiong dialect, reveals the consistency and difference of the vocabulary of each dialect point in Nanxiong, and briefly analyzes the characteristics of the vocabulary of Nanxiong dialect. The fourth chapter, through the horizontal comparison between Nanxiong dialect and other Chinese dialects, discusses the relationship between Nanxiong dialect vocabulary and surrounding Chinese dialects vocabulary. Through the internal comparison of the vocabulary of dialect points in Nanxiong, we know that there are a lot of words that are completely consistent among dialect points in Nanxiong, while the number of words that are completely different from each other is very small. Therefore, the consistency of dialect vocabulary in Nanxiong is very high. Therefore, we think that each dialect of Nanxiong should belong to the same dialect area, which provides a lexical basis for the new edition (2008 edition) of the Atlas of Chinese languages to assign Nanxiong dialect to the Hakka dialect area. According to the comparison of the vocabulary of different dialect points in Nanxiong, the similarity between Huangkeng dialect and Haufeng dialect is the highest, while the similarity between Xiongzhou and Pingtian dialect points is relatively low. This can provide a certain basis for the internal division of Nanxiong dialect. According to the comparison of the vocabulary of Nanxiong dialect and other Chinese dialects around it, the similarity between Nanxiong dialect and Meixian dialect is the highest, then with Changlai dialect, and the lowest with Guangzhou dialect. This may provide an important basis for the division of Nanxiong into Chunke County in the Chinese language Atlas (2008 edition).


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