[Abstract]:Preposition is a very important type of function word in the Chinese grammatical system. Although it does not have its own lexical meaning, it plays an important role in combining syntactic components and expressing corresponding grammatical and semantic relations in Chinese. This paper tries to make an exhaustive, quantitative and static description and analysis through the prepositions in the book of Mencius. It is characterized by its semantic, grammatical and pragmatic aspects.
This article takes Mencius as the object, uses the static description method, the inductive analysis method and the system research method to carry on the research. First, use the special computer software to carry on a exhaustive and quantitative investigation to the preposition with the unified standard, and establish a total of 22 prepositions of Mencius, thus forming a complete preposition system. The semantics expressed by the introduced object divides the prepositions into 8 categories. The prepositions are classified according to the semantic functions. Because the prepositions can not be used as syntactic components independently and are closely related to the object, this paper not only investigates the prepositions themselves, but also investigates the components related to prepositions, such as the composition of prepositional objects. Secondly, it introduces the grammatical function of the object structure, and discusses the adverbial and complements respectively.
On the basis of the description of Mencius and the mediator and the structure of the BM, the results are summarized, the quantity and distribution of the prepositions are analyzed, and the use of prepositions in the middle of the Warring States is shown from one corner. The characteristics of these realistic languages are theoretically considered, and the rules of prepositional combination ability and position evolution are explored.
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