[Abstract]:Proper reference to previous studies is an indispensable part of successful academic writing. Scholars from different fields have studied citation behavior. Although the importance of citation to academic writing cannot be underestimated, it has not attracted enough attention in teaching, and English learners still face many difficulties in using references strategically and accurately. The purpose of this study is to describe the current situation of the use of citations by high level English learners in China in order to lay a foundation for finding appropriate and effective methods of citation teaching and acquisition. Specifically, the classification of citations by Swales (1990) Hyland (1999a) and Petric (2007) was synthesized. This paper records the similarities and differences in the citation and application of the master's thesis written by Chinese advanced English learners and the periodical articles written and published publicly by foreign scholars from the aspects of form and function. The selected papers come from the field of applied linguistics. The data analysis shows that the use of citations in master thesis is different from that in periodical articles in form and function. Although the absolute number of citations in master thesis is obvious, the frequency of citation per ten thousand words is less than that of periodical articles, especially in the chapter of introduction, method and conclusion. Although the two groups of texts have the highest frequency of non-inclusion references, the frequency of such citations in journal articles is twice as high as that in master's papers. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the use of inclusion citation and its lower classification, which indicated that the students had a high level of mastery of such citations. In the form of citation, it is found that single source summary appears most frequently in master thesis and periodical article, and the citation segment is the least. The use of multi-source induction and simple quotation is different between the two comparative corpus, and the frequency of use of master thesis is obviously lower than that of periodical articles. This tendency to single source summary of master's thesis indicates that English learners prefer to process reference documents individually and also imply that their ability to extract information from multiple documents is relatively weak. In functional classification, the source function is used most, and the evaluation function is the least. Evaluation appears almost only in literature review, application and use in methodology, and the function of establishing contact between one's own article and other articles appears in the result and discussion part. The functions of examples, reference, application, reference, and multifunctional density are much lower in the whole text and in each chapter than in the periodical articles. In analyzing the distribution of functional classifications in each chapter, the study found that, in addition to applying, using and establishing the function of connecting their own articles with others' articles, the other classifications were concentrated in the literature review section, applied and used. The function of establishing contact between one's own articles and others' articles is most frequently found in methodology, results and discussion, and conclusion respectively. This study also finds that there are some difficulties in the use of citations, which indicates that students' citation learning should not be allowed to be free, and academic English teachers should bear the responsibility in this respect. To play a good role in training students'citation ability.
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