[Abstract]:Anxiety has great influence on foreign language learning and has attracted much attention both at home and abroad. Since 1980s, linguists, language teachers and psychologists have studied anxiety in foreign language learning from different angles. Under the guidance of previous theories, we have a clearer understanding of anxiety in foreign language learning. The study of foreign language anxiety in China is still relatively weak compared with foreign countries, especially the study of Chinese learning anxiety is just beginning, but most of the focus is on spoken language anxiety. Other language skills such as listening, reading, and writing anxiety are secondary. With the promotion of Chinese internationalization, the study of spoken language anxiety is bound to be more in-depth and extensive. On the basis of the theories and achievements of foreign language learning spoken language anxiety at home and abroad, this study studies the oral anxiety of some Japanese and Korean foreign students in Chinese learning from many aspects. In this study, some Japanese and Korean students in Qingdao were selected as the research objects. By using the scientific methods such as questionnaire, interview, Alpha reliability analysis and project analysis, the author analyzed the factors that affect the oral anxiety of Japanese and Korean students. The main contents include the analysis of anxiety index and the significance test of different factors. In terms of several factors affecting the oral anxiety of Japanese and Korean students, we investigated five factors, and concluded that: (1) among the students studying Chinese, the male students had a higher anxiety value of spoken language than the female students) and the students who had a longer period of learning Chinese were found to have a higher anxiety value in the study of Chinese. No longer unfamiliar with new Chinese language materials and rules, oral anxiety is less than that of short-lived students.) students with clear goals have motivation to learn, which weakens anxiety to a certain extent. Students with lower self-evaluation have higher oral anxiety than those who have no explicit hope. This may be related to their first negation of self and the lack of courage to overcome difficulties in the process of learning Chinese. Compared with the students with higher self-evaluation, they were more worried about Chinese learning.) the more extroverted, the more introverted, the more anxious, the more anxious the degree of anxiety was in the middle. The above conclusions show that the Japanese and Korean students' Chinese speaking anxiety does exist, gender, study years, goal setting, self-evaluation and personality are also related to Chinese spoken language anxiety, and these different individual factors of students, Their anxiety also varies. Based on the above research results, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to eliminate the oral anxiety of Japanese and Korean students from two aspects: teachers and students, in order to enlighten the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. First, from the students' point of view, for example, to set specific and clear goals that are in line with their actual level; to establish a correct set of learning concepts suitable for themselves; and to develop a good habit of preparing and reviewing. Enhance the ability to accept and understand new knowledge, etc. Second, from the teacher's point of view, such as to use appropriate body language, close the distance between teachers and students, build a harmonious, cordial teacher-student relationship, skilled use of multimedia, heuristic guidance of students to learn, stimulate students' desire for oral expression; Pay attention to the scientific way of asking questions and the timely and appropriate feedback to the students, arrange the effective and interesting classroom activities reasonably, create a relaxed and efficient learning atmosphere for the students, and reduce the students' anxiety; Choose the appropriate teaching materials for the students, and so on.
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