[Abstract]:In the study of Hui language, the concept of "Hui language" is often found, but its connotation and extension are different. In modern Chinese dictionaries, one of the meanings of "term" refers to "a certain aspect of specific words", such as business terms, medical terms, diplomatic terms, military terms, and so on. Therefore, this paper defines the term of Hui nationality in the vocabulary system of the Hui language. In this paper, the so-called "Hui language" refers to those unique words in the Hui dialect, including some phrases, idioms. The terms of the Hui nationality are used in the Hui nationality. They are loaded with the social culture, the custom of life and the religious concept of the Hui nationality and so on. It has very important value of sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics and ethnology research. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part summarizes the composition of Hui language and analyzes its characteristics. The second part is the emphasis and innovation of this paper. The third part reveals the common and individual characteristics of the Hui culture reflected by the Hui language. Lexical study is a very important breakthrough point in the study of language and culture. From the perspective of cultural linguistics, this paper collects the terms of Hui nationality, after screening and discriminating, carries on the data statistics, and makes the qualitative analysis on the basis of quantitative statistics. In the last part of the conclusion, the author draws a conclusion that the Hui culture is a culture which has multiple influences on the integration of Islamic culture and Chinese traditional culture. From the point of view of the Hui language, the above views are confirmed.
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