[Abstract]:Misunderstanding is one of the many language phenomena in human daily life. The communication process of speech is actually a process of transmission of information. Because in the process of transmission of information, the information transmitter will be influenced and restricted by various factors. This may lead to the error of information in the process of transmission and acceptance. In this case, the error is wrong. In recent years, more and more language scholars have begun to pay attention to the research of this subject, which makes misunderstanding an important topic in the study of pragmatics.
Based on this, this paper explains the cause of the context of misunderstanding from the perspective of adaptation relevance. This article is to discuss the three questions: 1, can adaptation relevance theory be used to explain misunderstandings? Two, how do contextual factors lead to misunderstandings? Three, does contextual factors lead to misunderstandings in the same way?
The adaptation relevance theory points out that both the speaker and the hearer should be considered in the verbal communication. This and the misunderstanding should be conformed by the common responsibility of the speaker and the hearer. Many scholars use relevance theory and adaptation theory to study misunderstandings and obtain some achievements. And to some extent, it overcomes the deficiency of Relevance Theory (only the reasoning of the hearer) and the adaptation theory (emphasizing only the speaker's choice), so it is feasible to use it to explain the occurrence of misunderstanding in theory.
The adaptation relevance theory divides context into three categories: linguistic context, situational context and background context. In the context of language, this paper discusses how they lead to misunderstandings from the four levels of speech, vocabulary, syntax and discourse; in the context of situational context, it is discussed from the two angles of time and space deixis how they are caused In the context of background, this article discusses how they lead to misunderstandings from the knowledge of encyclopedia, the social world and the psychological world. The following conclusions are drawn by the analysis of the corpus.
1, the cause of misunderstandings caused by linguistic contextual factors (phonetics, vocabulary, syntax, text) and situational contextual factors (time deixis, space deixis) is that the speaker's discourse leads to the formation of the contextual hypothesis of the listener, so that in the CIS association process of the hearer, she or he can only extend it with his own information. If the listener chooses the information that is used to form the context hypothesis and the speaker's difference, it will result in the difference of the context and the misunderstanding.
2, the cause of misunderstanding caused by background contextual factors (encyclopedia knowledge, social world, psychological world) can be divided into three categories: 1) the cause of misunderstanding caused by encyclopedia knowledge (common sense) is that the hearer thinks that the speaker expresses common sense, so he or she immediately selects it to expand, adjust or adapt to his context hypothesis. However, In the case of the speaker, what he or she expresses is not common sense. In this case, the context is different, which leads to misunderstanding; 2) the reason for the misunderstanding caused by the social world (Culture) is that the two parties have different cultural backgrounds and they are not familiar with each other's cultural background. In the case of the same thing, there are different interpretations of their culture. Therefore, this causes two people to use different contexts and eventually lead to misunderstandings; 3) the cause of misunderstandings caused by the psychological world (self value, self expectation, self defense) is that the speaker's words and listeners are subject to their own emotions, vigilance, and interests. The influence makes the listener's social psychology become the explicit information in the brain, and in fact it is not a speech picture. In this case, the two use the different contexts and lead to misunderstandings.
This study can not only deepen our understanding of misunderstanding, but also let us understand the contextual causes of misunderstanding, make a certain contribution to further reveal the essence of misunderstanding, and provide some reference for the development of pragmatic theory.
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