发布时间:2018-08-08 16:04
【摘要】:两个事物之间比较,主要对比相异之处,以凸显特点。谚语作为一种特殊的语言形式,承载着丰富的文化信息,为我们的对比提供了一个特殊的视角。哈萨克族与汉族由于信仰不同、历史不同、生活生态环境不同以及语言文字的不同,具备充分的可比性。本文试图通过谚语的内容、结构到修辞的对比,探讨其中蕴含的独特而深厚的历史文化内涵,揭示出两个民族迥然不同的民族性格和观念特点。同时,对哈汉两个民族各取所长,为新疆哈汉两个民族之间的跨文化交际提供一些实用性指导。 本文主要分五个部分: 第一部分,绪言。主要介绍研究意义、文献综述、研究意义和思路方法。 第二部分,汉哈谚语内容对比。主要包括汉语谚语内容分类、哈语谚语内容分类、汉哈谚语内容对比。 第三部分,汉哈谚语结构对比。主要包括单句型谚语对比、复句型谚语对比。 第四部分,汉哈谚语修辞对比。主要包括汉语谚语修辞方法、哈语谚语修辞方法、汉哈谚语常用修辞对比。 第五部分,结论。 第二、三、四部分是文章的主要章节。 汉哈谚语对比内容广泛,远不是太篇论文所能容纳得了的。但由于时间和本人水平的限制,很多内容都只能浅尝辄止,不能做深做全,这是一点遗憾之处,期待以后能够弥补。
[Abstract]:Comparison between the two things, the main contrast is different to highlight the characteristics. As a special form of language, proverbs bear rich cultural information and provide a special perspective for our contrast. Kazak and Han nationality have sufficient comparability because of their different beliefs, history, living environment and language. This paper attempts to explore the unique and profound historical and cultural connotations contained in the proverbs through the comparison of the content, structure and rhetoric of the proverbs, and to reveal the characteristics of the different national characters and concepts of the two nations. At the same time, it provides some practical guidance for cross-cultural communication between Han and Kazakh nationalities in Xinjiang. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the research significance, literature review, research significance and thinking methods. In the second part, the content of Han-ha proverbs is contrasted. It mainly includes Chinese proverbs content classification, Hali proverbs content classification, Han-ha proverbs content comparison. In the third part, the structure of Han-ha proverbs is compared. Mainly includes the single sentence type proverbs contrast, the complex sentence pattern proverbs contrast. The fourth part, Han-ha proverbs rhetoric contrast. It mainly includes Chinese proverbs rhetorical methods, Ha-language proverbs rhetorical methods, and Ha-ha proverbs used in rhetorical comparison. The fifth part, conclusion. The second, third and fourth parts are the main chapters of the article. Han-ha proverbs have a wide range of contrasts and are far beyond the capacity of too many papers. However, due to time and my level of constraints, a lot of content can only be tasted, not done in depth, this is a little regret, expect to be able to make up for.
[Abstract]:Comparison between the two things, the main contrast is different to highlight the characteristics. As a special form of language, proverbs bear rich cultural information and provide a special perspective for our contrast. Kazak and Han nationality have sufficient comparability because of their different beliefs, history, living environment and language. This paper attempts to explore the unique and profound historical and cultural connotations contained in the proverbs through the comparison of the content, structure and rhetoric of the proverbs, and to reveal the characteristics of the different national characters and concepts of the two nations. At the same time, it provides some practical guidance for cross-cultural communication between Han and Kazakh nationalities in Xinjiang. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the research significance, literature review, research significance and thinking methods. In the second part, the content of Han-ha proverbs is contrasted. It mainly includes Chinese proverbs content classification, Hali proverbs content classification, Han-ha proverbs content comparison. In the third part, the structure of Han-ha proverbs is compared. Mainly includes the single sentence type proverbs contrast, the complex sentence pattern proverbs contrast. The fourth part, Han-ha proverbs rhetoric contrast. It mainly includes Chinese proverbs rhetorical methods, Ha-language proverbs rhetorical methods, and Ha-ha proverbs used in rhetorical comparison. The fifth part, conclusion. The second, third and fourth parts are the main chapters of the article. Han-ha proverbs have a wide range of contrasts and are far beyond the capacity of too many papers. However, due to time and my level of constraints, a lot of content can only be tasted, not done in depth, this is a little regret, expect to be able to make up for.
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