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发布时间:2018-08-08 17:33
【摘要】:预设也叫“前提、先设”,是由德国哲学家弗雷格首先提出,后来被引入语义学和语用学。预设广泛应用于生活交际、阅读等过程中。预设的共知性决定了预设必须是说话人和听话人享有共同语言和共同的背景文化知识。只有当说话人和听话人的预设达到一致性那么理解和交际才能继续下去。作为预设的重要一个领域,文化预设指的是在一定民族或社会历史文化积淀中形成的群体意识和社会共识。文化预设是导致翻译中误译和跨文化交流障碍的主要因素。比如,对于一个外国读者来说,由于生活经历,文化背景,意识形态等等的不同,其预设想要与作者的预设达到一致性就很困难,所以翻译人员在做翻译时就需要准确把握预设信息,并且选择正确恰当的翻译方法,使得文化预设信息高效、准确的传递给二语读者。 本文以《红楼梦》里的传说、委婉语、历史事件、典故、以及中国的传统礼节和习惯、地理特征作为切入面,从而对文化预设进行分析和研究。在分析这些预设触发语的同时,,作者引用了一些杨宪益和霍克斯的一些译文,并总结出译者总体的翻译方法:直译、直译加注解、解释、改写等。 本文共六章,第一章介绍本文的研究背景、论文安排、研究方法。第二章介绍了语用预设的定义、分类及特征。第三章语用预设和翻译的现阶段相关研究,以及其重要性和必要性。第四章探讨了《红楼梦》中文化预设的体现。第五章提出翻译文化预设翻译的策略和技巧。第六章结论。 文章最后的结论是,文化预设的研究在翻译中非常的重要,那么为了避免因文化预设的隐蔽性造成误读、误译,译者首先是一名读者,需要丰富扩大自己的生活经验和知识范畴,要增强对译入语文化的了解,以此培养出在文本阅读是对文化预设的敏感性和警惕性。这样译者才能在文化预设翻译是游刃有余,才能更准确、高效地传递文本中的预设信息。
[Abstract]:Presupposition, also known as "premise, presupposition", was first proposed by German philosopher Frege and later introduced into semantics and pragmatics. Presupposition is widely used in life communication, reading and other processes. The presupposition must be that the speaker and the hearer share a common language and common background cultural knowledge. Understanding and communication can only continue when the presupposition of the speaker and the listener is consistent. As an important field of presupposition, cultural presupposition refers to the collective consciousness and social consensus formed in the accumulation of a certain nationality or social historical culture. Cultural presupposition is the main factor leading to the obstacle of translation and cross-cultural communication. For example, for a foreign reader, because of the differences in life experience, cultural background, ideology and so on, it is difficult to achieve consistency with the author's presupposition. Therefore, translators should grasp the presupposition information accurately and choose the correct translation method, so that the cultural presupposition information can be transmitted to L2 readers efficiently and accurately. In this paper, the legend, euphemism, historical events, allusions, as well as the Chinese traditional etiquette and habits, geographical characteristics of the "Dream of Red Mansions" as the cutting face, so as to analyze and study the cultural presupposition. While analyzing these presupposition triggers, the author cites some translations by Yang Xianyi and Hawkes, and summarizes the translator's general translation methods: literal translation, literal translation plus annotations, interpretation, rewriting and so on. This paper consists of six chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background, arrangement and research methods. Chapter two introduces the definition, classification and characteristics of pragmatic presupposition. The third chapter is about pragmatic presupposition and translation at present, as well as its importance and necessity. Chapter four discusses the embodiment of cultural presupposition in A Dream of Red Mansions. Chapter five puts forward the strategies and techniques of cultural presupposition translation. Chapter VI conclusion. The final conclusion is that the study of cultural presupposition is very important in translation, so in order to avoid misreading and mistranslation caused by cultural presupposition, the translator is first a reader. It is necessary to enrich and expand the scope of life experience and knowledge and to enhance the understanding of the target culture so as to cultivate the sensitivity and vigilance of cultural presupposition in text reading. In this way, the translator can do well in cultural presupposition translation and transfer the presupposition information in the text more accurately and efficiently.


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