[Abstract]:Systemic functional grammar provides theoretical support for discourse analysis. Children's reading materials are easy to be ignored, and few researches have been carried out by the theory of systemic functional linguistics. Thematic progression theory has always been applied in discourse analysis. Martin raised the theme and new information in systemic functional grammar to the semantic level of discourse, and put forward the concepts of macro theme, super information and macro information, and combined discourse analysis with high-level thematic and evaluation theory. He proposed that macro-thematic prediction transcendental theme, super-thematic prediction theme of the text prosody, and further pointed out that macro-theme and the evaluation in the super-theme also has the function of mutual prediction. The mutual prediction between different levels of themes is helpful to the construction of textual meaning. This kind of construction function has special applicability to children's reading material. In order to study the construction function of macro theme, transcendental theme and its evaluation meaning and its special applicability to children's reading materials, this thesis will select some children's books as language materials and analyze them at the semantic level of discourse. Based on the analysis, this paper attempts to discuss the construction of macro-theme, super-thematic on textual meaning, the role of evaluative meaning in macro-theme and super-thematic on cohesion and coherence, and the characteristics of these evaluation words. Furthermore, this paper discusses the special effect of the semantic relation of the text on children's reading materials. In the semantic level of discourse, this paper explores the macro theme, the transcendental theme and its evaluation significance. Firstly, this paper discusses the background, purpose and significance of the research. Secondly, this paper summarizes the research status of evaluation theory, macro theme and transcendental theme at home and abroad, and puts forward the innovation of this paper based on previous studies. Thirdly, the theory used in this paper is explained, including Martin's evaluation theory, macro theme and transcendental theme. Fourth, the core part of this paper is corpus analysis. In the selected children's books, the macro theme, the transcendental theme and the evaluation theory are combined together, and the specific corpus is used to do a detailed analysis. Finally, the conclusion mainly discusses the four main findings of this paper, and their implications for the author of children's books and children themselves, and discusses the shortcomings of this paper and suggestions for future research. The study shows that not only the macro theme and the transcendental theme are helpful to children's reading text, but also the evaluation significance plays a role in constructing the text, and the construction function of the evaluation meaning is more conducive to the promotion of children's emotional meaning.
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