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发布时间:2018-08-16 07:59
【摘要】:目前,对外汉语教学的汉字教材编著存在着“重初级、轻中高级”和“重汉字技能培养、轻汉字知识传授”的情况。中高级阶段汉字知识教材不仅数量少,而且研究十分有限。《汉字教程》、《现代汉字教程》、《简明实用汉字学》、《汉字教学中的文字学》和胡本《现代汉语》(重订本)、黄廖本《现代汉语》(增订四版)分别是同类教材中比较有影响力和代表性的作品。通过宏观与中观相结合、定量与定性相结合的方式,对比、分析两类教材的汉字知识内容编著;通过问卷调查了解师生对中高级阶段汉字知识教材的教学需求,进而评估《汉字教程》的知识内容编著,提出对外汉语教学中高级阶段汉字知识教材编著、教学的建议和汉字教材知识项目编著、教学的设想,在国内尚属首创。 四本对外汉语教学中高级阶段汉字知识教材的编排一致性程度高,但内容选择没有统一的标准,存在较大的不确定性和随意性。《汉字教程》在汉字知识内容选择上具有对外汉语教材的特殊性,但内容的编排不符合学生先易后难的认知规律,总体难度偏高,未能满足师生的教学需求。为此,我们提出循序渐进、分阶段编写的原则,分初级、中级、高级三个阶段初步设计一份《汉字知识项目编著》。
[Abstract]:At present, the compilation of Chinese character teaching materials for teaching Chinese as a foreign language has the situation of "attaching importance to primary, medium and advanced" and "attaching importance to the cultivation of Chinese character skills and neglecting the imparting of knowledge of Chinese characters". The teaching materials of Chinese character knowledge in middle and advanced stage are not only small in quantity, And the research is very limited. The Chinese character course, the Modern Chinese character course, the simple and practical Chinese character Science, the Chinese character Science in the Teaching of Chinese characters, and Hu Ben, the Modern Chinese language, respectively, and Huang Liao Ben, the Modern Chinese language, respectively, are the same as those in the Chinese characters Teaching. Class teaching materials are more influential and representative works. Through the combination of macro and meso, quantitative and qualitative methods, this paper compares and analyzes the contents of Chinese characters knowledge of the two kinds of teaching materials, and through questionnaire surveys to understand the teaching needs of teachers and students for the teaching materials of Chinese character knowledge in middle and advanced stage. Then it evaluates the compilation of the knowledge content of Chinese character course, and puts forward that the compilation of Chinese character knowledge textbook, the teaching suggestion and the knowledge item of Chinese character textbook in the advanced stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language are the first in our country. There is a high degree of consistency in the arrangement of the four textbooks of Chinese character knowledge in the advanced stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, but there is no uniform standard for content selection. There is great uncertainty and randomness. The course of Chinese characters has the particularity of teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language in the choice of knowledge content of Chinese characters, but the arrangement of contents does not accord with the cognitive law of students' being easy first and then difficult, and the overall difficulty is on the high side. Fail to meet the teaching needs of teachers and students. For this reason, we put forward the principle of step by step and step by step, and design a Chinese character knowledge item in three stages: elementary, intermediate and advanced.


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