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发布时间:2018-08-17 17:15
【摘要】:摘要:模糊语义和精确语义是公文语言的重要表现形式,它们之间既存在本质差别,也存在不可分割的联系,同时,双方在一定条件下也可实现相互的转换。本文从语言学及应用语言学的角度,分析了模糊语义和精确语义的相互关系,讨论了模糊语义与精确语义的互转机制,并介绍了这种转换机制在公文中的价值取向。 第一部分绪论,介绍论文选题的角度及材料来源。 第一章模糊语义及其相关理论,界定了本文选取的语义探讨角度,同时简单地介绍了语义的基本理论。 第二章公文中的模糊语义与精确语义,介绍了公文的涵义及其语言特点,并从主客观因素分析模糊语义在公文语言表达中存在的必要性。 第四章模糊语义与精确语义互转机制在公文中的应用,是本文论述的重点。详细探讨了模糊语义与精确语义在公文中的转换形式,并分析了这些转换机制在公文中的价值取向。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: fuzzy semantics and exact semantics are important forms of official document language. There are not only essential differences but also inseparable relations between them. At the same time, both sides can realize the conversion of each other under certain conditions. In this paper, from the perspective of linguistics and applied linguistics, the relationship between fuzzy semantics and exact semantics is analyzed, the mutual transformation mechanism between fuzzy semantics and exact semantics is discussed, and the value orientation of this conversion mechanism in official documents is introduced. The first part is introduction, which introduces the angle and material source of the thesis. In the first chapter, fuzzy semantics and its related theories are defined, and the basic theory of semantics is briefly introduced. In the second chapter, the fuzzy semantics and exact semantics of official documents are introduced, the meaning and language characteristics of official documents are introduced, and the necessity of fuzzy semantics in the expression of official documents is analyzed from subjective and objective factors. In chapter 4, the application of fuzzy semantics and exact semantics in official documents is the focus of this paper. The transformation forms of fuzzy semantics and exact semantics in official documents are discussed in detail, and the value orientation of these conversion mechanisms in official documents is analyzed.


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