[Abstract]:Lifting structure is a special syntactic phenomenon. Because of its complicated syntactic, semantic and lexical relations, many scholars at home and abroad have studied it from the perspective of generative grammar and function. Through the analysis of previous studies, it is found that there are many deficiencies in the theoretical motivation itself, and there are great differences in the classification of lifting structures, and the research remains on the intuitive description of surface phenomena. In view of this, this paper attempts to reanalyze and reinterpret the syntactic features and generation mechanisms of lifting structures. This paper intends to re-analyze the syntactic characteristics of lifting structures under the framework of generative grammar theory in order to explain its generating mechanism reasonably. Firstly, the author reviews the previous studies on the characteristics and generation mechanism of lifting structures. In the lifting structure, the predicate verb is considered to be unable to assign the external role and the structural case, and it will cause the subject of the embedded clause to move from the position of the subject with the purposive role but without the case to the position of the subject or the object with the case but without the role of the tenor. According to the nature of the lifting predicate, the lifting structure is mainly divided into: subject promotion, such as seem-structure; object promotion, such as believe-structure. In the framework of principle and parameter, the main theoretical basis of lifting operation is the theory of question element theory and lattice theory. Secondly, this paper summarizes the previous researches on the ascending structure of English and Chinese, and demonstrates their insufficient explanation of the generation mechanism and classification of ascension. In the process of this analysis, the author uses the theory of question meta-theory, case theory, economic principle and so on, and with the help of logical analysis method and abundant English and Chinese corpus. Finally, following the economic principle and lexical integrity principle of syntactic analysis, this paper interprets the promotion phenomenon as the morphological change of predicate at the lexical level, rather than the syntactic category. According to the necessary and sufficient conditions for the construction of sentences, this paper adopts Zhao Yanchun's hypothesis on the basic logical template of human language. On the hypothetical logical template, it is proved that the lifting verb is a structurally complete VP, that is, the component other than the VP / VP structure belongs to an adjunct. By analyzing the structure of seem- and be-, the conclusion of this paper is further confirmed. By analyzing the theory and the typical promotion predicates, this paper provides a temporary and feasible unified scheme for the promotion of English structures, and solves the problems faced by the problem meta-theory and the case theory, and at the same time, The hypothesis of the basic logical template of human language is helpful to re-explore the different sentence structure and the commonness of language, and has a limited reference value for the theoretical study of generative grammar.
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