[Abstract]:Iconicity is an important research topic in cognitive linguistics and another basic feature of language relative to arbitrariness. Iconicity is of great significance in understanding the relationship between language and cognition. The iconicity of language reflects the human cognitive model of the world. As a functional style, EST is developed on the basis of general English and has its unique stylistic features. Lexical formation, syntactic features, apparent meanings and cognitive styles in EST texts all contain iconicity. Most of the scientific and technological documents introduced in China have iconicity. Based on the "paradigm theory" and "cognitive synergy theory", this paper makes a study of iconicity in EST discourse from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, with the aim of enabling learners to understand the lexical characteristics of EST from the perspective of functional stylistics. The syntactic and rhetorical features are better understood and grasped. By studying the iconicity of EST discourses, this paper provides a new theoretical perspective for EST learners and translators in order to better understand the relationship between language forms and linguistic meanings. At the same time, the essential relationship between the features of EST and human cognition and thinking is discussed. The purpose of this study is to deduce the iconicity in EST discourse and analyze the discourse form of EST from the perspective of human cognition, so that people can better interpret the scientific and technological information carried by the EST literature. It is helpful for the transmission of information and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. This study will help to improve the accuracy and validity of English reading, writing and translation, and make it an effective way to learn English for science and technology.
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