[Abstract]:Film subtitle is a part of the film, which uses words to show and interpret the content that is not understood by people. Therefore, film subtitle translation is closely related to the film type, story plot, regional background and language use of a set of films. All films produced in Hong Kong are in Cantonese, with Chinese subtitles and English subtitles for export to Western countries to meet the needs of those who do not understand the dialects concerned. In Hong Kong subtitle translation, first, the oral dialogue in Cantonese should be translated into Chinese subtitles in written form; secondly, interlingual translation should be made into English subtitles. In this dual translation process, intra-lingual translation is prepared for interlingual translation, and then interlingual translation is used as a conceptual replacement between two languages, and one linguistic symbol is used to interpret the other. In this paper, we use a Hong Kong kung fu comedy commercial film, the Gemini Theft, to explain the subtitles' interlingual and interlingual translation.
【作者单位】: 香港城市大学;
【基金】:香港研究资助局the Research Grants Council(RGC)拨款补助(计划编号:9041064)
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