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发布时间:2018-09-03 18:30
【摘要】:清代中期的《韵略新抄便览》(1763)是山东掖县(今莱州)人周云炽为增订其同乡先贤毕拱宸的《韵略汇通》而作。毕氏的《韵略汇通》是明代一部重要韵书,在近代汉语语音史上具有重要地位。《韵略新抄便览》的修订颇大,反映出了不少历史的、方言的和作者语音观的差异。本文搜集整理了两本韵书的语音资料和其他韵书的语音情况,结合现代莱州方言资料,比较全面地对《韵略新抄便览》进行了系统的研究,通过历时和共时的比较,发现语言发展过程中的一些规律,为音韵学、近代汉语、现代方言研究中的一些问题提供了比较详细的资料。 在写作方法方面,本文主要依据历史语言学,结合音韵学的一些传统方法和汉语方言学的方法。贯穿全文的是比较的方法:对两本韵书的语音系统、对韵书和方言音系系统进行全面的比较,找出其不同之处,结合现代汉语和现代莱州方言来解释出现这些不同的原因。此外,本文还将相关的韵书进行共时和历时比较,通过比较总结语言发展的某些规律。本文在韵字的分析、同时期材料之间的参互求证、语音现象的归纳等方面都用到了一些传统的方法。本文还注意用发展的眼光来观察、解决问题,从时代、地域等多方面来分析材料。 本文共分七章。 第一章,绪论。主要介绍韵书的基本情况,包括作者情况、写作过程、体例等。详细说明韵书与《韵略易通》、《韵略汇通》的关系,介绍本文主要内容及理论方法,提出本文的研究意义。 第二章,韵书声韵调系统。这一章主要通过对韵书反切上字、反切下字的系联,对声调的分析,构拟出韵书声韵调系统。其中对几个主要问题进行讨论。声母主要问题包括:一、古知章庄三组声母的分合。韵书中知章庄声母合一,出现的分组情况,是由于韵母的差异。二、腭化和尖团音分混的问题。韵书中尖团音不混,见系声母出现分组情况,但推断不出见系声母已经分化出舌面音。三、“一”母和“无”母的关系。韵书中已出现两母相混的例子,说明当时的“无”母已经读零声母。四、日母字的读音。日母字在韵书中读z声母。五、全浊声母的读音。全浊声母已消失。韵母方面,古入声韵的归派反映明显的莱州方言的韵母特点:(一)曾摄、梗摄入声洪音字比较一致地读ei、uei;(二)觉韵药韵入声字读uo;(三)山摄细音入声字与觉药两韵字相混;(四)果摄一等见系字及铎韵见系字分开合;其他韵母方面的特点还有:蟹摄二等见系字均读iai;通摄三等字精组和来母字读洪音;通摄入声字读u,“肉”读iou。另外在声韵拼合关系方面也有一些不同于现代的特点。知三章组字和日母字拼细音,唇音声母可拼合口呼和开口呼。 第三章,《韵略新抄便览》和《韵略汇通》的比较。对两本韵书的声韵调系统进行详细对比,发现两者之间的不同。《韵略新抄便览》表现的主要不同是:声母方面v声母已消失,韵母方面根据时音对《韵略汇通》韵部进行了重新调整,声调方面,入声改配阴声,平声不分阴阳,部分全浊上归上声。 第四章,将《韵略新抄便览》和《中原音韵》、《韵略易通》、《韵略汇通》、《五方元音》和《万韵书》进行对比。通过对比可以发现从《中原音韵》到《新抄》语音的一些发展变化。声母方面主要是v声母和(?)声母的逐渐消失,韵母方面主要是[m]韵尾的消失,撮口呼y逐渐形成,《中原音韵》支思(?)、齐微ei/i/uei、鱼模u/iu三韵经过几次分合,到《新抄》时形成支齐(?)/i、灰微ei/uei、居虞y、呼模u四韵,与普通话接近。声调方面,最明显的就是入声的消失。《新抄》与同时期《万韵书》相比,声母系统已完全一致,韵母系统除“戈何”韵拟音有差异外其他都一致。声调方面,《万韵书》保留了阴入调类,主要来自古代的清声母入声字。《新抄》虽保留入声调类,但实际上反映了入声消失的事实。 第五章,《韵略新抄便览》与现代莱州方言的比较。比较结果声母方面明显区别是韵书中见组声母还没有分化,没有出现舌面音tc、tc、c;韵书日母字读z声母,方言中一部分读零声母,一部分读卷舌音3r(古止摄开口三等);声调方面,韵书有平、上、去、入四个调类,方言只有阴平、阳平、上声三个调类。 第六章,从韵书写作背景、与其他反映官话音系的韵书比较情况以及韵书本身体现的方言特色,三个方面来确定《韵略新抄便览》是反映的是十八世纪中期的北方官话音系,同时又体现了莱州方言特色。 第七章,列出《韵略新抄便览》同音字表。
[Abstract]:In the mid-Qing Dynasty, Zhou Yunchi, a native of Yexian County, Shandong Province (present-day Laizhou), wrote a new version of Bi Gongchen's "Yun Liao Tong". Bi's "Yun Liao Tong" is an important rhyme book in the Ming Dynasty and plays an important role in the history of modern Chinese phonetics. This paper collects and collates the phonetic data of the two rhyme books and other rhyme books, combines the modern Laizhou dialect data, and makes a systematic study of the book. Some problems in the study of modern Chinese and modern dialects provide more detailed information.
In the aspect of writing methods, this paper mainly bases on historical linguistics, combines some traditional methods of phonology with the methods of Chinese dialectology. It is a comparative method that runs through the whole text: Comparing the phonological systems of the two rhyme books, comparing the phonological systems of rhyme books and dialects, finding out their differences, combining modern Chinese with modern Laizhou dialect. In addition, this paper compares the rhyme books synchronously and diachronically, and summarizes some rules of language development. This paper uses some traditional methods in the analysis of rhyme characters, the mutual verification of materials in the same period, and the induction of phonetic phenomena. To see and solve problems, to analyze materials from various aspects such as time, region and so on.
This article is divided into seven chapters.
The first chapter, introduction, mainly introduces the basic situation of rhyme books, including the author's situation, writing process, style, etc.
The second chapter is the phonological system of rhyme books.This chapter mainly constructs the phonological system of rhyme books through the analysis of the tone of rhyme books by reversing the words on the rhyme books and the links of the words on the rhyme books.Some main problems are discussed.The main problems of the initial consonants include: 1.the separation and combination of three groups of consonants in ancient Zhizhang Zhuang. This is due to the difference of vowels. 2. palatalization and mixing of consonants. In rhyme books, the consonants are not mixed, and the consonants are grouped, but it can not be inferred that the consonants have differentiated into lingual ones. 3. The relationship between the "one" and "none" consonants. There are examples of two consonants mixing in rhyme books, indicating that the "none" consonants have been read zero at that time. Fourth, the pronunciation of Japanese alphabets. The pronunciation of Japanese alphabets in rhyme books. Fifth, the pronunciation of full-voiced alphabets. The total-voiced alphabets have disappeared. In terms of vowels, the assignment of the ancient entrance rhymes reflects the obvious characteristics of the Laizhou dialect's vowels: (1) Zeng Zhi, the terminus intake of the Hongyin characters is consistent in pronunciation of ei, uei; (2) Chueyun Yunyun's pronunciation of of of uo; (3) Shan The phonetic alphabet is mixed with Chueh Yao's two rhyming characters; (4) the first-class phonetic alphabet and the first-class phonetic alphabet are combined separately; (2) the second-class phonetic alphabet are all pronounced IAI by the crab; (3) the third-class phonetic alphabet and the incoming alphabet are pronounced Hongyin by the crab; (3) the intake phonetic alphabet is pronounced u and "meat" is pronounced iou. In the three chapter, the characters of the group and the Japanese characters are set up fine, and the labial consonants can be called and opened.
In the third chapter, the comparison of the phonological systems of the two rhyme books is made and the differences between them are found. The sound is changed to the Yin tone, and the horizontal tone does not distinguish Yin and Yang.
In the fourth chapter, the author compares the phonological development from the "Central Plains Phonology" to the "New Plains Phonology", "Rhyme Slightly Convergence", "Wufang Vowel" and the "Wanyunshu". Through the comparison, we can find some changes in the phonological development from the "Central Plains Phonology" to the "New Plains Phonology". The initial consonant is mainly the gradual disappearance of the V consonant and the (?) consonant, and the final consonant is mainly the disappearance of the [m]. The initial consonant system has been completely consistent with that of Wanyunshu in the same period. In tone aspect, retained Yin Jin tone category, mainly from the ancient consonant entering characters. retained the entering tone category, but actually reflected the fact that the entering tone disappeared.
In the fifth chapter, the comparison between the modern Laizhou dialect and the new version of the rhyme shows that the consonants in the rhyme books have not yet differentiated, and there is no tongue tc, tc, c; the Japanese letters in the rhyme books read Z initials, some of the dialects read zero initials, and some of the volumes of the tongue 3R (Guzhi Zhikou 3r). Go up, go, enter four tone categories, dialect only Yin Ping, Yang Ping, upper tone three tone categories.
Chapter 6, from the background of rhyme writing, the comparison with other rhyme books reflecting the phonological system of Mandarin and the dialectal features embodied in the rhyme books themselves, it is determined that the rhyme brief new transcription is a reflection of the northern Mandarin phonology in the middle of the eighteenth century, and also reflects the characteristics of Laizhou dialect.
In the seventh chapter, we list the rhyming, new transcription and homophone list.


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1 钱曾怡;;古知庄章声母在山东方言中的分化及其跟精见组的关系[J];中国语文;2004年06期




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