[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, metaphor has entered a cognitive stage. Cognitive linguists believe that metaphor is not only a rhetorical device, but also a way of thinking. They agree that similarity is an important working mechanism of metaphor, but little research has been done on the difference. Rationality theory is an influential theory in contemporary interpretation of metaphor construction and comprehension. The unilateral network model and the bilateral network model of this theory can clearly explain the effect of dissimilarity on metaphor comprehension.
This thesis attempts to explain the role of similarity-based dissimilarity in the process of metaphor comprehension within the framework of conceptual integration and concrete cases. The unilateral and bilateral networks of conceptual integration are a continuous entity. From one end of the entity to the other, based on similarity, the understanding of metaphor comes more and more from the proposition of two different spatial structures based on human common experience or common knowledge structure. To be specific, one-sided network metaphorical reasoning originates directly from the similarity between two spaces based on human common experience or knowledge structure, and is a process of assimilation and fusion. Consequently, similarity is an abstract structure. However, the ultimate understanding of unilateral network metaphor comes from the hierarchical structure, that is, the integration of the TF-level structure from the source domain and the TS-level structure from the destination domain which is different from the source domain. The function of the key, but the metaphorical reasoning and ultimate understanding of the bilateral network comes from the hierarchical structure, which is actually the integration of two different structures based on human common experience or knowledge structure. Take similarity. Even if there is a shared structure, unlike a unilateral network metaphor, the structure itself can not deduce the meaning of metaphor. Second, similarity based on personal experience or online context is the product of alienation fusion. Alienation fusion makes the destination domain possess certain characteristics of the source domain, which are similar to the existing structure of the destination domain. Therefore, analogical reasoning is based on the difference between human common experience and common knowledge structure. Thirdly, the similarity itself can not deduce the meaning of metaphor, the reasoning of metaphor and the ultimate understanding of the creative structure formed by the integration of this structure and other structures in the target domain. It is this incongruity that elicits the imagination of the metaphorical audience and leads to a final understanding of metaphor. Obviously, the hierarchical structure is actually the integration of the source domain and the target domain of the common human experience and knowledge structure. Fourthly, some bilateral network metaphors are fully understood. In addition, similarity in metaphor is an empirical psychological similarity, and the extraction of similarity depends on the cognitive ability of the cognitive subject. As a matter of fact, the experience, knowledge structure and cognitive ability of different metaphorical audiences have distinct individualities. Therefore, in the process of interpreting the same metaphor, the differences of the metaphorical audiences may produce different mappings, projections, combinations, perfections and extensions. Thus, the understanding process of metaphor will be more or less different. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign masters of metaphor have never denied the rhetoric effect of metaphor. The vivid rhetoric effect of metaphor comes from double images, i.e. the juxtaposition of two spaces projecting into the structure of dissimilarity in synthetic space.
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