[Abstract]:There are many commonalities between AB and ABB in reduplicated form A, which are manifested in the following aspects: firstly, the basic form needs to satisfy the following items; semantically, the basic form often has negative meanings; structurally, the basic form is usually a simple word with only one morpheme (including reduplicated and non-reduplicated rhyme words); stylistically, literary colors and their texts in written form The words with strong colors can not enter the "A" type AB, and the words commonly used in spoken English are easy to enter the "A" type AB. In pronunciation, the final syllables of the basic type are often soft. Second, from the semantic and formal connection, as far as the overlapping state of the action and some other overlapping state forms are concerned, most of them are often formed as adverbials. Semantic heterodoxy phenomena; reduplicative states often form semantic homology when they act as predicates and determinants; for complements, the analogous overlapping states of action can form both semantic homology to explain action states and semantic heterodoxy relations to explain action results, while for other analogical overlapping forms of action As far as modality, reduplicative state and reduplicative state of portrayal are concerned, they generally form semantic heteronymous relations. Thirdly, the overlapping state sometimes does not indicate the speaker's attitude of admiration or disgust, which is the temporary pragmatic meaning of the overlapping state, and this temporary pragmatic meaning has certain regularity.
The negative or negative degree of AB in overlapping state A is stronger than that of AABB, which is mainly attributed to the interaction of AB and "Li" in overlapping state A. Therefore, AB in overlapping state A incorporates the speaker's more self-imprint, and its subjectivity is obvious, which can be reflected from the language sense and the actual corpus. The overlapping forms have different contextual appropriateness, that is, AB in A tends to be the most appreciative and negative appraisal of the object or action described by the speaker, while AABB tends to be used in the context of inappropriate overexpression of unacceptable appraisal. This tendency is attributed to the correlation between the subjectivity of the overlapping state and the syntactic position, as well as the static descriptiveness of the AABB.
The two overlapping forms also have some differences in expressive functions, as follows: AB in A is more vivid and vivid than AABB; and AB in AABB is more static descriptive than AB in A.
In general, the frequency of AB in overlapping state A is much lower than that in AABB, which is related to the historical development of both and the strong role of AABB itself. In addition, the reason why AB in A can coexist with AABB in the synchronous system is that AB in A has its own distinct subjective modality, which is beneficial to the speaker. Pursue the refinement and clarity of speech expression.
This paper also analyzes a case, that is, the word formation of "careless" and the word formation of "Mali careless". The word formation of "careless" is evolved from the semantic formation of "careless". The motivation and mechanism are pragmatic reasoning and reanalysis, respectively. This word formation has the following consequences: First, a special evaluation of meaning. In addition, one of the important reasons why the word "Mali Tiger" has not embarked on the road of word formation is that it is difficult for the cognitive subject to use it too frequently. It is almost impossible to produce semantic and grammatical variations from the brain.
Finally, the paper compares the differences between "A Li Qi" and "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" and "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" and "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in "A Li Qi" in
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