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发布时间:2018-09-10 18:09
【摘要】:委婉语是一种普遍存在的语言现象,它意指用一种温和的表达方式来代替那种不够“好听”的表达方式。自产生之日起,它就担负着“润滑”交际的重任。在日常社会交际活动中,委婉语不仅已经成为人们表达思想情感的重要交际手段之一,而在语言交际中更是协调人际关系的一个重要手段。它在和谐社会构建中起着十分重要的作用 早期学者对委婉语大多从定义、分类及美学效果等方面进行描写性或规定性的研究。当代语言学派林立,众多学者,尤其是语义学家、语用学家、认知语言学家等,借用相应的理论对委婉语提出了不同的解释方案,具有很强的解释力和创新性,也为以后委婉语的研究留下宝贵的财富。但是他们很少触及委婉语的生成和理解,所搜集的语料也是关于一些很老套的话题,例如被多次讨论的关于死亡,疾病,性,身体部位等,不具有鲜明的时代特色。本文在总结国内众多学者对委婉语研究的诸多观点基础之上,试图以新时期出现的委婉语为起点,在语言研究的心智哲学理论框架内阐释委婉语为什么可能。 心智哲学是21世纪的第一哲学,是研究身心关系的哲学。与语言哲学不同,心智哲学不再将语言活动看作哲学直接面对的研究对象,而是把语言活动看作心智活动的反映,心智活动才是心智哲学研究的对象;语言是观察心智的“窗口”,通过这一窗口可以帮助我们观察人类心智如何运作。心智哲学与语言研究在“语言”上有交汇点,因此我们可以汲取心智哲学中可以用于语言研究的积极成果,使语言研究呈现出一种新的面貌。 徐盛桓在心智哲学和语言研究的探索中提出语言运用的三个假设: (1)语言最基本的性质是:语言是基于心智的。 (2)感觉知觉信息的表达是语言运用的基础。 (3)语言表征的是心理表征。 本文正是基于这三个假设,从心智哲学的视角出发,在“委婉语研究的心智哲学分析框架”下对委婉语生成和理解过程中涉及到的心智活动进行描述,进而从心智层面,主要借助意向性、心-物随附性、感受质三个概念,揭示委婉语得以应用的原因。本研究大致从两部分展开:生成过程和理解过程。生成过程又分为关指过程和选择过程。 整个过程如下: 第一、意向性对语言运用有极其重要的导向作用,毫无疑问对委婉语也是如此。它是说话者头脑里一系列心智活动的起点,决定了说话人的意向态度(例如,在运用委婉语时是避讳)和意向内容(需要避讳的物理事件)。否则,我们将无法进行涉世的活动,更不用说委婉地交际了。 第二、众所周知,对于同一个“真实词语”,一般来说可能存在一个以上的委婉语来替代它,但是说话者通常只选择一个替代词来达到委婉的目的。那么,这个选择过程是如何实现的?具体来说,哪种变量在说话者选择替代词的过程中起着关键性的作用?这一答案与心-物随附性有很大的关系。心-物随附性是人们头脑里的一项重要的心智过程。一言以概之:“真实词语”的心理属性决定了说话者选择某一个委婉语来实现交际目的;该心理属性随附于物理属性但又受说话者自由意志的影响,从而在说话者头脑里涌现出一种具有委婉新质的表达,即委婉语。 第三、听者是怎样理解这些“委婉词”的?从这样的词语里能获得什么样的感受意?这些问题的回答需要借助于感受质。感受质是心理状态的一种情形,其产生是基于心-物随附性这一心理过程。整个理解过程如下:委婉词的心理属性使得听话者产生某种感受意,引发某种积极肯定和向上的感觉。 总之,意向性、随附性、感受质是本篇论文的理论基础。借助这些理论,我们能够在心智哲学的框架下对委婉语的产生和理解机制给出清晰的阐释。
[Abstract]:Euphemism is a ubiquitous linguistic phenomenon, which means to substitute a mild form of expression for a less "pleasant" one. Since its inception, it has assumed the responsibility of "lubricating" communication. In daily social communication activities, euphemism has not only become an important means of communication for people to express their thoughts and feelings. It plays an important role in the construction of a harmonious society.
Early scholars mostly made descriptive or prescriptive researches on euphemism from the aspects of definition, classification and aesthetic effect. There are many schools of linguistics, many scholars, especially semantics, pragmatists, cognitive linguists, etc. borrowed the corresponding theories and put forward different explanatory schemes for euphemism, which have strong explanatory power and innovation. Sex also leaves a valuable legacy for the study of euphemism in the future. However, they seldom touch on the generation and understanding of euphemism. The collected corpus is also about some very old-fashioned topics, such as death, disease, sex, body parts and so on, which have been discussed many times. This paper summarizes many scholars'opinions on Euphemism in China. On the basis of many viewpoints in the study of euphemism, this paper attempts to explain why euphemism is possible within the framework of psycho-philosophical theory of linguistic study, starting from the emergence of euphemism in the new era.
Philosophy of mind is the first philosophy in the 21st century, which studies the relationship between body and mind. Unlike philosophy of language, philosophy of mind no longer regards language activities as the object of study directly confronted by philosophy, but regards language activities as the reflection of mental activities, which is the object of philosophy of mind; language is the "window" to observe mind. Through this window we can see how the human mind works. There is a intersection point between the philosophy of mind and the study of language. Therefore, we can draw on the positive results that can be used in the study of language in the philosophy of mind, and make the study of language take on a new look.
In the exploration of philosophy of mind and language research, Xu Shenghuan put forward three hypotheses for language use.
(1) the most basic character of language is that language is based on mind.
(2) expression of sensory perception is the basis of language use.
(3) language representation is mental representation.
Based on these three hypotheses, this paper, from the perspective of philosophy of mind, describes the mental activities involved in the process of euphemism generation and comprehension under the framework of philosophy of mind in the study of euphemism. From the mental level, it reveals that euphemism can be responded to mainly by means of the concepts of intentionality, Mind-Matter attachment and feeling quality. This study is divided into two parts: the generation process and the understanding process. The generation process is divided into the referential process and the selection process.
The whole process is as follows:
First, intentionality plays a very important guiding role in the use of language, and it is undoubtedly the same with euphemism. It is the starting point of a series of mental activities in the speaker's mind, which determines the speaker's intentional attitude (for example, when using euphemism is taboo) and intentional content (physical events that need to be tabooed). Otherwise, we will not be able to proceed. Not to mention the activities of world involvement, not to mention euphemistic communication.
Secondly, it is well known that there may be more than one euphemism to replace the same "real word", but the speaker usually chooses only one alternative word to achieve the purpose of euphemism. The key role? This answer has a lot to do with Mind-Matter attachment. Mind-matter attachment is an important mental process in people's minds. Under the influence of the speaker's free will, a new expression with euphemism emerges in the speaker's mind, that is, euphemism.
Thirdly, how does the listener understand these "euphemisms"? What kind of feelings can he get from such words? The answers to these questions need to rely on the receptivity. The receptivity is a state of mind, which is based on the psychological process of Mind-Matter attachment. The listener has a certain sense of feeling, triggering some positive affirmation and upward feeling.
In a word, intentionality, attachment and feeling are the theoretical basis of this thesis. With these theories, we can give a clear explanation of the mechanism of euphemism production and understanding in the framework of philosophy of mind.


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