[Abstract]:Vowel is the loudest and most important phoneme in modern Chinese syllables. As a measurable objective existence, phonemes are extremely large in number, but valuable phonemes in specific languages are limited. Therefore, many scholars put aside physical attributes and merge phonemes into phonemes from the aspect of social attributes. However, the standard of phonological classification of vowels in modern Chinese is related to the subjective perception of modern Chinese users, and the resulting classification criteria are not exactly the same. From the perspective of language users, we divide the vowels of modern Chinese to understand which phonemes are able to perceive the phonemes' boundaries and which ones are unable to perceive or subjectively ignore the phonological differences. The vowel with clear boundary is the same vowel which is regarded as the opposite vowel by the Chinese user, while the vowel with fuzzy boundary is the same vowel which can be replaced without affecting the language communication. Based on the analysis of the opposites between auditory discrimination and phonological differentiation of Chinese users, it is found that the modern Chinese vowel system is a six-vowel system composed of / I y u e o a /. This paper discusses the relevant situation of phoneme induction and analyzes vowels in modern Chinese from the perspective of guest position. We analyze the subjective definition of modern Chinese vowels through the rhyme of modern poetry and popular songs, and the corresponding vowels in the loanwords of harmony. Finally, we clarify some controversial issues about phonemes division. This paper sums up the vowel system of modern Chinese and points out the problems in the study at the end of the article.
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