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发布时间:2018-10-16 22:19
[Abstract]:The interpretive news discourses studied in this paper are a kind of composite discourses which are composed of main reporting discourses, several interpretive discourses that can interpret the main reports, and functional labels which can play a role in the connection between the two kinds of discourses. This paper focuses on the analysis of the different types of information and the corresponding functional labels provided by the interpretation of the text, and then points out that the concept of intertextuality has a strong explanatory power on the structure of the news discourse. But it is necessary to rearrange the subject of linguistics. On the basis of summarizing the existing knowledge, this paper puts forward three types of intertextuals: psychological associative intertextuality, text imprinted intertextuality and linguistic form intertextuality, and points out that the last type is the main research field of linguistics. In this paper, we also discuss the two language forms of intertext entry and intertextuality, and distinguish them from intertextuals and add-in intertextualities, as well as their respective intertextuality markers, which are differentiated markers and citation marks. In the framework of this analysis, the paper holds that the interpretive news is an external intertextuality, and its functional label acts as a citation mark by the referential function of the label words and the pointing function of the valence vacancy. This paper introduces the interpretation text as a cross-text into the overall position or insertion position of the main report text, which makes the interpretation possible.
【作者单位】: 电子科技大学中山学院;


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