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发布时间:2018-10-19 07:15
【摘要】:使役结构是汉语的重要语法项目之一。在学习汉语的过程中,我们发现韩国和日本汉语学习者在习得该语法项目时存在很多问题。本文依据中介语语料库,结合测试,对留学生心理谓词使役结构的偏误现象进行了研究,并从汉外对比的角度对各种偏误现象的原因进行了分析。全文具体内容包括以下几个方面: 第一章为绪论。在这一章阐述了本文选题的意义和创新点并介绍了与本文相关的研究情况以及本文的研究范围、方法和语料来源。 第二章主要介绍了汉语心理谓词两种使役性结构,并对两种使役性结构相互转化的问题进行了分析。简要分析了韩语、日语及英语三种语言中的使役结构,并就使役结构在不同语言中的表达情况进行了对比分析。 第三章是偏误分析,将日韩学生的偏误分为遗漏、句式误选、错序、杂糅等类型,并尝试从汉外对比的角度进行偏误原因分析。 第四章结合偏误原因,针对教材和大纲对汉语使役结构的编排情况提出汉语心理谓词使役结构的教学对策。 第五章对整个论文工作进行了简要的总结,并指出了本论文存在的不足。
[Abstract]:Causative structure is one of the important grammatical items in Chinese. In the process of learning Chinese, we find that Korean and Japanese Chinese learners have many problems in acquiring the grammar item. Based on the interlanguage corpus and the test, this paper studies the phenomenon of errors in the psychological predicate structure of foreign students, and analyzes the causes of the errors from the perspective of comparison between Chinese and foreign languages. The full text concrete content includes the following several aspects: the first chapter is the introduction. In this chapter, the significance and innovation of this paper are introduced, and the research situation, the research scope, the methods and the source of the corpus are introduced. The second chapter mainly introduces two kinds of causative structures of Chinese psychological predicates and analyzes the mutual transformation of the two kinds of causative structures. This paper briefly analyzes the causative structure in Korean, Japanese and English, and makes a comparative analysis on the expression of causative structure in different languages. The third chapter is the error analysis, the Japanese and Korean students are divided into omissions, sentence miselection, misorder, hybridity and so on, and try to analyze the causes of errors from the perspective of contrast between Chinese and foreign. The fourth chapter puts forward the teaching countermeasures of the Chinese psychological predicate causative structure according to the arrangement of the Chinese causative structure according to the textbook and outline. The fifth chapter summarizes the whole thesis briefly and points out the deficiency of this paper.


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