[Abstract]:This paper, from the perspective of philology, makes a basic arrangement and study of the characters on the rubbings of Oracle bones collected in the fourth and fifth issues of the Collection of Oracle inscriptions, the main contents of which include the identification, sorting and classification of characters, and the amount of characters. Statistics and analysis of word frequency and structure types, etc. The thesis is composed of introduction, word quantity, word frequency, structure type, explanation of difficult words, conclusion, appendix. In the chapter of introduction, the supplement of Oracle is introduced briefly, and then the research and achievements made by scholars since its publication are summarized, and the significance and research scheme of this thesis are stated at the end of the chapter. In the second chapter, the author makes statistics and analysis on the characters on the rubbings from the two aspects of the word quantity and the total word quantity. The conclusion is that no matter the number of words, the total number of words in the statistical material, the literate has the absolute advantage; The third chapter of the word frequency, mainly from the use of Chinese character frequency of the perspective of the statistics, analysis, the conclusion is that the statistical material has the highest frequency of use of literate; The fourth chapter, structure type, starts with the construction of Chinese characters, carries on the statistics, the analysis to the character, draws the conclusion that the pictographic structure Chinese character occupies the largest proportion in the statistical material. In the chapter of explanation of difficult words, it lists some structures in statistical materials, the Chinese characters with more controversial meaning, and enumerates the various words, the conclusion part summarizes the full text; Appendix part is the fourth and fifth issues of the supplement to the oracle bone inscription, as well as the word frequency table, easy to consult.
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