发布时间:2018-10-26 13:06
【摘要】:内蒙古晋语作为晋语不可分割的一部分,较其他大的方言甚至晋语内部其他次方言,其研究都是明显滞后的,长期缺乏应有的关注,所取得研究资料不能满足现价段方言研究对资料整体性、细致性的要求,虽然有少数涉及语音的研究成果,但其正确性是有待商榷的。 鉴于这种情况,笔者通过长达两年的资料整合、选取代表方言点及漫长艰苦的田野调查,记录和分析工作,将内蒙古中西部地区晋语方言语音进行了细致、完整、系统的记录和分析,整个过程严格遵守中国语言资源有声数据库建设领导小组办公室发布的《中国语言资源有声数据库调查手册-汉语方言》的执行标准,把对内蒙古晋语研究纳入至整个国家语言资源采集和研究中,并保留了珍贵的第一手音频资料,,为后续研究提供了可能性。这对保存内蒙古晋语,保留地区语言文化资源是有重要意义的,对国家方言研究也有重大的意义。 本文着重客观描写,以保留语言资料的为目的,全文共分四章。 第一章“绪论”,主要介绍晋语分区及内蒙古的语言概况,同时还介绍了本文的研究目的和价值、研究方法等问题。 第二章“第二章内蒙古晋语的语音音系”,提供了八个代表方言点的语音系统,以点代面地展示内蒙古晋语的语音面貌。 第二章内蒙古晋语的语音音系第三章“对照字音字表”提供了八个代表方言点1494个字的单字音对照表。 第四章“结论”,就上文所取得的资料,分析、总结进一步验证了内蒙古中西部的方言是晋语不可分割的一部分,归纳所取得的研究结论,并对未来该地区晋语研究进行展望。
[Abstract]:As an integral part of Jin dialect, Inner Mongolia Jin dialect, compared with other large dialects and even other subdialects within Jin dialect, is obviously lagging behind and lacks due attention for a long time. The obtained research data can not meet the requirements of the research on the integrity and detail of the data in the dialect study of the current price paragraph. Although there are a few achievements in phonetic research, the correctness of the research is still open to question. In view of this situation, the author, through two years of data integration, selects the representative dialect points and the long and arduous field investigation, records and analyzes the pronunciation of Jin dialect in the central and western regions of Inner Mongolia. The system records and analyses, the whole process strictly complies with the execution standard of the "Chinese language Resources Audio Database Survey Manual" issued by the Office of the leading Group for the Construction of the Chinese language Resources audible Database, which was issued by the Office of the leading Group for the Construction of the Chinese language Resources Sound Database. The study of Jin language in Inner Mongolia is included in the collection and research of the whole country's language resources, and the precious first-hand audio data is retained, which provides the possibility for further study. This is of great significance to the preservation of Jin language in Inner Mongolia and the preservation of regional language and cultural resources, as well as to the study of national dialects. This paper focuses on objective description, with the purpose of preserving language materials, the full text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter "introduction", mainly introduces the Jin language division and the Inner Mongolia language survey, at the same time has introduced the research goal, the value, the research method and so on question. The second chapter, "phonological system of Inner Mongolia Jin dialect", provides eight phonetic systems representing dialect points to display the phonological features of Inner Mongolia Jin dialect. The second chapter is the phonetic system of Inner Mongolia Jin language. Chapter three, "comparison word Table", provides eight single-character phonetic comparison tables representing 1494 characters in dialects. Chapter four, "conclusion", analyzes and verifies that the dialects in central and western Inner Mongolia are an integral part of Jin dialect, summarizes the research conclusions, and looks forward to the future study of Jin dialect in this area.
[Abstract]:As an integral part of Jin dialect, Inner Mongolia Jin dialect, compared with other large dialects and even other subdialects within Jin dialect, is obviously lagging behind and lacks due attention for a long time. The obtained research data can not meet the requirements of the research on the integrity and detail of the data in the dialect study of the current price paragraph. Although there are a few achievements in phonetic research, the correctness of the research is still open to question. In view of this situation, the author, through two years of data integration, selects the representative dialect points and the long and arduous field investigation, records and analyzes the pronunciation of Jin dialect in the central and western regions of Inner Mongolia. The system records and analyses, the whole process strictly complies with the execution standard of the "Chinese language Resources Audio Database Survey Manual" issued by the Office of the leading Group for the Construction of the Chinese language Resources audible Database, which was issued by the Office of the leading Group for the Construction of the Chinese language Resources Sound Database. The study of Jin language in Inner Mongolia is included in the collection and research of the whole country's language resources, and the precious first-hand audio data is retained, which provides the possibility for further study. This is of great significance to the preservation of Jin language in Inner Mongolia and the preservation of regional language and cultural resources, as well as to the study of national dialects. This paper focuses on objective description, with the purpose of preserving language materials, the full text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter "introduction", mainly introduces the Jin language division and the Inner Mongolia language survey, at the same time has introduced the research goal, the value, the research method and so on question. The second chapter, "phonological system of Inner Mongolia Jin dialect", provides eight phonetic systems representing dialect points to display the phonological features of Inner Mongolia Jin dialect. The second chapter is the phonetic system of Inner Mongolia Jin language. Chapter three, "comparison word Table", provides eight single-character phonetic comparison tables representing 1494 characters in dialects. Chapter four, "conclusion", analyzes and verifies that the dialects in central and western Inner Mongolia are an integral part of Jin dialect, summarizes the research conclusions, and looks forward to the future study of Jin dialect in this area.
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