[Abstract]:The study of classifiers is one of the important characteristics of Chinese. The study of classifiers has important theoretical and practical significance for the study of the history of Chinese grammar. Therefore, it has very high research value. Compared with previous studies, the innovations of this paper are as follows: first, in the study of Noun classifiers, dynamic descriptive methods are adopted and based on certain cognitive linguistic theories. Based on the semantic combination characteristics of classifiers and nouns, the classifiers are reclassified into three categories: one is the classifier with semantic field as the semantic combination feature and the noun is related, that is, the synonymous relevance classifier; The second kind is the classifier which uses salient feature as semantic combination feature to establish relation, mainly includes shape classifier, feature substitute classifier and feature anaphora classifier. The third category is the classifier which is based on the semantic combination of external association and the noun, which is divided into action classifier, general classifier and container locale classifier. In addition, there are two kinds of classifiers, one is attached classifier, the other is universal classifier. The classification of classifiers has certain value in studying the semantic characteristics of classifiers and the collocation rules between classifiers and nouns. Secondly, the research on momentum words in "waking up" is mainly to divide the verb quantifiers into three categories: counting momentum words, timing momentum words and borrowing moving quantifiers to describe dynamically, and to analyze and reveal the evolution process of momentum words in "wake up". And the law of bidirectional choice between verbs and quantifiers. Thirdly, the metering words of Ming Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty have been compared diachronically. In the process of evolution, there are four main points in the change of quantifiers in Ming Dynasty: first, some new quantifiers are produced in Ming Dynasty, such as "dial", "chip", "fetus" and so on; Second, some old classifiers quit the classifier system, such as "Xu", "Wu", "Jacaranda", etc. Third, compared with the previous generation, some classifiers and nouns or verbs, such as "Zong", "number", "body" and so on; Fourth, compared with the previous generation, some quantifiers and nouns or verbs, such as "goods", "angle", "boxing" and so on. Fourthly, it explains the collocation of names and classifiers from the perspective of semantics and cognition. This paper studies the semantic generalization of some quantifiers in "wake up", and from the perspective of cognitive science, analyzes and explains the motivation and rules of semantic evolution and development. Induces and summarizes the semantic generalization degree and semantic evolution law of quantifiers in waking up.
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