发布时间:2018-11-05 20:45
【摘要】:近年来随着房地产业的繁荣,楼盘名称也不断创新,并以其独特的魅力吸引着各界研究者的注意。本文以2010年3-5月收集到的1068个长株潭三地住宅楼盘名称为对象,采用描写和归纳相结合、定量分析和定性分析相结合及图表统计的方法,从语言、文化和规范化三个方面进行了全面系统的描写和分析,将长沙、株州和湘潭三地的住宅楼盘名称进行比较,探讨长沙、株洲和湘潭楼盘命名的共性与个性,并希望此分析可以为房地产开发商的楼盘命名提供参考和借鉴。 本文从语言的角度来分析长株潭住宅楼盘名称的特点,具体包括语音、词汇、语法和修辞四个方面。语音方面主要分析音节长度、音节节奏和平仄搭配;词汇特征方面主要归纳常用通名使用特点、专名词汇入名特点;语法方面将楼盘名按结构类型进行分类,并结合语义探讨了其中的歧义结构;修辞方面分析了长株潭住宅楼盘名称中使用的修辞手法。从文化角度来分析长株潭住宅楼盘名称体现的中华文化及湖湘文化。中华文化主要从自然哲学思想、儒家思想、思维方式和当前社会流行文化四个方面探讨;湖湘文化主要从湖南的物质文化和精神文化两方面进行探讨。最后,本文还对长株潭住宅楼盘名称的规范问题进行了探讨。认为楼盘取名过程中存在着楼盘名称洋化、名不副实、一楼多名或多楼使用相似名称和表意模糊的问题,,并提出了规范化建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the prosperity of the real estate industry, the real estate name has been innovated and attracted the attention of researchers with its unique charm. This paper takes the names of 1068 residential buildings in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Tan area collected in March and May 2010 as the object of study. It adopts the methods of combining description and induction, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, as well as charting statistics, from language to language. This paper describes and analyzes the three aspects of culture and standardization, compares the names of residential buildings in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, and probes into the commonness and individuality of the naming of buildings in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan. And hope this analysis can provide reference and reference for real estate developers. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the residential property name in Chang-Zhu-Tan from the perspective of language, including phonetic, lexical, grammatical and rhetorical aspects. The phonetic aspect mainly analyzes the syllable length, the syllable rhythm and the level collocation, the lexical characteristic aspect mainly induces the commonly used general name use characteristic, the proper noun inosculates the name characteristic; In the aspect of grammar, the author classifies the real estate name according to the structure type, and discusses the ambiguous structure in combination with the semantics, and analyzes the rhetorical devices used in the name of Chang-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan residential building in rhetorical aspect. From the angle of culture, this paper analyzes the Chinese culture and Huxiang culture embodied in the name of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan residential estate. Chinese culture is mainly discussed from four aspects: natural philosophy, Confucianism, mode of thinking and current social popular culture, while Huxiang culture is mainly discussed from two aspects: material culture and spiritual culture. Finally, this paper also discusses the specification of residential building names in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan. It is pointed out that there are some problems in the process of building name naming, such as the name of the building is Westernized, the name is not true, the similar name is used in the first floor or more buildings and the meaning is vague, and some suggestions for standardization are put forward.
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the prosperity of the real estate industry, the real estate name has been innovated and attracted the attention of researchers with its unique charm. This paper takes the names of 1068 residential buildings in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Tan area collected in March and May 2010 as the object of study. It adopts the methods of combining description and induction, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, as well as charting statistics, from language to language. This paper describes and analyzes the three aspects of culture and standardization, compares the names of residential buildings in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, and probes into the commonness and individuality of the naming of buildings in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan. And hope this analysis can provide reference and reference for real estate developers. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the residential property name in Chang-Zhu-Tan from the perspective of language, including phonetic, lexical, grammatical and rhetorical aspects. The phonetic aspect mainly analyzes the syllable length, the syllable rhythm and the level collocation, the lexical characteristic aspect mainly induces the commonly used general name use characteristic, the proper noun inosculates the name characteristic; In the aspect of grammar, the author classifies the real estate name according to the structure type, and discusses the ambiguous structure in combination with the semantics, and analyzes the rhetorical devices used in the name of Chang-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan residential building in rhetorical aspect. From the angle of culture, this paper analyzes the Chinese culture and Huxiang culture embodied in the name of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan residential estate. Chinese culture is mainly discussed from four aspects: natural philosophy, Confucianism, mode of thinking and current social popular culture, while Huxiang culture is mainly discussed from two aspects: material culture and spiritual culture. Finally, this paper also discusses the specification of residential building names in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan. It is pointed out that there are some problems in the process of building name naming, such as the name of the building is Westernized, the name is not true, the similar name is used in the first floor or more buildings and the meaning is vague, and some suggestions for standardization are put forward.
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