[Abstract]:In this paper, the author mainly discusses the nature and the origin of the tense and tense of the sentence from the angle of description and explanation. The "O" sentence of "V" can be located either in the sentence or at the end of the sentence. In the whole tense system, there are examples of what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future. In a book like "I read yesterday", "the sentence has the meaning of the past time, plus the past tense is easy to generate morphological marks," the "easy to be regarded as" the past "time meaning, so that it looks like a dynamic auxiliary;" "the" is located between the verb and object, so that it appears to attach to the verb, like the end of the word, like the structure of the auxiliary word; The typical position of a modal word is at the end of a sentence, so that the "modal" in the sentence does not look like a modal word, but after the description, it is found that the modal word can also be located after the sentence or even the verb, and in "I read yesterday's book." As a result of the operation of the topic, "the" is located in the sentence. According to Goldberg's construction grammar theory, this paper holds that the "sentence" can be regarded as composed of the past tense construction ([- ed]) and the complete aspect construction ([have-en]), so the tense construction of the "sentence" will have temporal significance. The meaning of tense and tense can be attributed to the meaning of construction embodied in the sentence of "Shi", which is not assumed by "Shi". In addition, the category of "mood word", which is confirmed in the framework of syntactic theory, chooses the complement with temporal meaning, and proves that "the" is not the bearer of the temporal meaning of the sentence pattern.
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