[Abstract]:Writing is a typical output language practice from language learning to language application. As one of the countries with better development of TCFL, Thailand is facing the problem of how to improve the language teaching level. The theory of error analysis has had an important impact on the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) since its birth. The application of bias analysis in teaching practice has a great impact on the teaching effect. Therefore, it is very important to analyze and summarize the students' writing errors and find corresponding countermeasures. This paper takes the errors in the writing of Thai students as an example, summarizes the characteristics and rules of errors, and analyzes the specific causes and objective influencing factors of errors. First of all, based on the analysis and summary of about 100 Thai students' writing assignments, this paper analyzes the causes and characteristics of errors from different angles, and gives a considerable analysis. Secondly, this paper combines the theory of error analysis to analyze again. Finally, this paper puts forward some coping strategies, especially that teachers should be good at finding and using errors so as to improve students' writing ability. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the errors of Thai students' writing. It is hoped that the author's tentative study can provide some new ideas for the study of writing as a foreign language. I also hope that the author's observation and analysis can help to improve the teaching level of Thai students' writing.
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