[Abstract]:In recent years, there are two main opposing theories in the field of psycholinguistics around the relationship between syntactic processing and semantic processing: the semantic center theory under the modular syntax preference theory and the interactive parallelism theory. The former takes German as an example, while the latter is mainly based on parataxis Chinese. In view of the comparability of passive sentence structure in Chinese and German, there is little discussion on Chinese quad sentence in existing event-related potential (ERP) studies. By comparing the psychological processing process and cognitive neural basis of long quilt sentences in Chinese and German background, this paper aims to further distinguish the two theories and further explore whether the processing mode of second language is the same as that of native speakers. Second language processing is affected by what factors and so on. This study is divided into two experiments, both of which use the ERP research method with high time precision. Based on the Chinese long quilt sentence NP1 BEI NP2 Vt, by manipulating the key area verbs, the correct sentence, the semantic coherence single violation, the part of speech single violation, and the part of speech single violation are formed. Double violation of four conditions. In the first experiment, we investigate the processing patterns of Chinese native speakers. It is found that double violation induces the N400 effect of semantic processing, which is not consistent with the syntactic preference. Experiment two investigates the processing mode of Chinese quad sentences by foreign students with German background at Chinese advanced level. The experimental results show that the amplitude of N400 is smaller and the late N400 effect occurs under the condition of double violation, and the late persistent negative wave exists in every violation. The results show that the pattern of processing Chinese by native German L2 learners is not consistent with the absolute syntactic preference. The data of the two experiments show that the differences of language characteristics may be the important reasons for the differences in language processing mechanism. L2 learners with higher proficiency are likely to acquire processing strategies suited to L2 characteristics, although to some extent they are also influenced by mother tongue processing strategies.
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