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发布时间:2018-11-14 07:42
【摘要】:老舍先生是我国现代文学史上一位杰出的大师,他一生创作了很多优秀的作品,在创作中将北京话运用得炉火纯青,其作品展现了地道的北京味儿。《四世同堂》创作于1944—1946年,以抗日战争为时代背景,真实地描绘了北平一个小胡同的中下层人民的生活。本文选取《四世同堂》做研究,力求客观全面地描写作品的词汇概貌,并以此为基础,进一步挖掘其词汇特色,,从而为词汇研究提供一点参考。 论文的正文分为三章: 引言,主要对本文的研究对象、内容、现状、意义进行交代,并说明了本文的研究方法。 第一章对《四世同堂》的词汇概貌进行描写。利用计算机技术对《四世同堂》文本进行分词和词频的统计,得到《四世同堂》词表。通过考察词表发现《四世同堂》名词、动词、形容词所占比重最大,双音节词在作品中占主导地位。着重对作品的高频词和非高频词进行研究,非高频词部分主要分析了作品中表示亲属称谓的词,表示社交称谓的词,表示贬称和詈骂的词和表示人或事物性质、状态的词。 第二章对《四世同堂》的方言词和儿化词进行分析。通过穷尽性地查找方言词,考察这些方言词,并对其进行分类。儿化词在《四世同堂》中也占据一定的数量,本文主要从儿化词的类别和儿化词的特征,即儿化对词性、词义和词彩的影响,来进行分析。 第三章《四世同堂》惯用语与类固定短语的考察。惯用语方面主要分析了惯用语的语义特点和使用情况。对类固定短语的分析主要从其结构方面进行,主要包括-A-B型和保留成语中相同的成分两类。
[Abstract]:Mr. Lao She is an outstanding master in the history of modern literature in China. He has created many excellent works in his life, and has used Beijing dialect to perfect himself in his creation. "four generations together", written from 1944 to 1946, takes the War of Resistance against Japan as the background, and truly depicts the life of the middle and lower classes of a small alley in Peiping. This paper chooses "four generations together" as a research object to describe the vocabulary of the works objectively and comprehensively, and on this basis, further excavates its lexical characteristics, thus providing a little reference for the study of vocabulary. The text of the paper is divided into three chapters: introduction, mainly to the research object, content, current situation, significance of the account, and explain the research methods of this paper. The first chapter describes the vocabulary of four generations together. In this paper, the word segmentation and word frequency of the text of "four generations together" are analyzed by computer technology, and the word table of "four generations together" is obtained. It is found that the nouns, verbs and adjectives occupy the largest proportion, and the dicyllabic words play a dominant role in the works. This paper focuses on the study of high-frequency words and non-high-frequency words in the works. In the part of non-high-frequency words, the author mainly analyzes the words of kinship appellation, social appellation, derogatory and abusive words, and the words indicating the nature and state of people or things in the works. The second chapter analyzes the dialect words and the Erhua words of the four generations together. Through exhaustive search for dialect words, investigate these words and classify them. Erhua ci also occupies a certain number in "four generations together". This paper mainly analyzes the types and characteristics of Erhua ci, that is, the influence of Erhua on part of speech, meaning and color of ci. Chapter three: the study of idioms and fixed phrases. In terms of idioms, the semantic features and usage of idioms are analyzed. The analysis of class fixed phrases is mainly from its structure, including-A-B type and the same components in reserved idioms.


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1 陈莉;老舍小说语言研究[D];扬州大学;2005年

2 朱晓文;老舍与冰心色彩词使用比较研究[D];暨南大学;2006年

3 祁青;从《四世同堂》看把字句和被字句的动词差异[D];浙江大学;2009年




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