[Abstract]:Appellation is an important part of verbal communication. It is the most widely used and frequently used words in language communication. In cross-cultural verbal communication, appellation is usually the first message to be conveyed to each other. Proper appellation can pave the way for the smooth progress of communication, but inappropriate appellation can embarrass the other party and even lead to the failure of communication. The teaching material of Chinese as a foreign language plays an important role in the construction of Chinese as a foreign language subject, and the quality of compiling the textbook affects the learning quality of foreign students. Boya Chinese as a comprehensive teaching material for foreign language in the new century is more authoritative and more widely used than the previous teaching materials. Based on the investigation and analysis of the number of times, forms of use and annotation of new words in the series of textbooks of Boya Chinese, the appellations are divided into two categories: kinship appellations and social appellations. This paper analyzes its advantages and disadvantages in the writing of address language, and puts forward some suggestions in order to promote the compilation of address language in the textbooks of Chinese as a foreign language, and to improve the learning efficiency of foreign students and the teaching quality of teachers. Besides the preface and conclusion, the main body is divided into the following four parts: in the part of classification of Chinese appellation, there are two parts: kinship appellation system and social appellation system. In the analysis of kinship appellations, it is investigated from three aspects: frequency of appearance, form of use and annotation of new words. The analysis of social appellations, like the analysis of kinship appellations, is investigated from three aspects: the frequency of appearance, the form of use and the annotation of new words. This part mainly analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the writing of address terms in textbooks, and puts forward some suggestions. In a word, appellation has special significance in verbal communication, and teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language play an important role in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Therefore, we should constantly strengthen and improve the compilation of address language in textbooks for Chinese as a foreign language.
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