[Abstract]:The traditional translation theory focuses on the isolated comparison between the original text and the translation, whereas the polysystem theory provides a new perspective for translation studies. This theory combines translation with cultural, social and historical factors and lays the foundation for subsequent translation theories. However, the theory of polysystem does not seem to have received due attention, and many researchers have made a simple and simple interpretation of the theory. With the development of Itama Even-Zohar 's theory of polysystem in China, translation researchers analyze it and test its explanatory power in Chinese context. This theory emphasizes the position of translation literature in the multi-system of literature: if the translation literature occupies the main position, the translator will break the traditional norms of his country and adopt the strategy of alienation, so that the translation will tend to adequacy; When the translation literature is in the secondary position, the translator seeks the best model for the foreign text, and adopts the domestication method to make the translation acceptable. According to this hypothesis, some people think that the translator should be either alienated or domesticated. If two translation strategies appear in the same period, it is proved that the explanation of polysystem theory is insufficient. This thesis takes the third translation climax of China as a case study and corrects some viewpoints. Polysystem theory does not negate the existence of competing norms simultaneously, but holds that these norms are divided into mainstream tributaries and serve their respective groups. In addition, translation literature itself as a system has its own level, some translation literature can be in the central position, others will be at the edge of the position. Prior to the May 4th Movement, the pluralistic system of Chinese literature was relatively stable, making its translation literature marginal. Translators of this period, such as Yan Fu and Lin Shu, took into account the psychological characteristics of the target language readers (literati and literati at that time), and adopted the domestication method to improve the acceptability of the translated works. After the May 4th Movement, the people of insight realized the defects of Chinese traditional culture, and the existing literary models could not meet the new development, which led to the gradual entry of translation into the center of the pluralistic system and the introduction of the western literary format. Create new norms for local literature. For example, Lu Xun and Qu Qiubai used dissimilation to enrich the culture of the target language. At the same time, the free translation school, represented by Liang Shiqiu, believed that Chinese traditional culture was rich enough to introduce new forms of expression without translation, so they tried their best to uphold the values and aesthetic standards of feudal culture, and advocated the adoption of naturalization. However, from Liang Shiqiu's translation practice, we find that he has adopted the strategy of foreignization, supplemented by domestication. The debate between Lu Liang and Liang came from different political positions. If we study the applicability of polysystematic theory in this period only from the perspective of translation, we can find that the existence of the two strategies at the same time does not conflict with the multi-system, because the division of the main tributaries of the system can be reasonably explained. The alienation method was the mainstream at that time, while the domestication method belonged to the tributary. The purpose of this paper is to correct some unilateral views and to make a relatively comprehensive understanding and understanding of polysystematic theory.
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