[Abstract]:Ecological translation challenges traditional literary and cultural translation as well as the doctrine of translation studies themselves. It dispels the stereotype of anthropocentrism in the process of choosing the target text, and constructs a new research paradigm, according to which the choice of the translated text is not based on the translator's own subjective likes and dislikes. It should be based on the translatability of the selected text itself. This should be the basic premise to ensure translation as a scientific subject. As a sub-discipline of translation studies, ecological translation has its own characteristics: it is necessary to read the translated text carefully to explore its translatability, and to preserve the ecological balance of the original text in the target language as much as possible in the process of translation. Therefore, it should balance the subject (translator) and object (text) simultaneously. In a word, the rise of ecological translation may be a backwash to the attempt to emphasize the translator's subjectivity too much.
【作者单位】: 清华大学;上海交通大学;
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