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发布时间:2018-11-28 20:43
【摘要】:近年来,越来越多的人开始关注歌词语言研究,为了丰富歌词语言研究的语料以及研究视角,探究歌词语言风格与语体特征,本文以林夕的歌词作为研究语料,运用王希杰阐述的偏离理论,以及周春林《词语语义语法偏离搭配研究》一书中的理论框架,对林夕歌词中的偏离搭配现象进行归纳分析。 本文分为四个章节,第一章简要介绍了偏离理论。第二章和第三章对林夕的本色歌词和诗化歌词的语言偏离搭配(包括语义偏离搭配与语法偏离搭配)分别进行了分类、归纳与分析。第四章对比林夕歌词的偏离搭配与贺敬之以及穆旦的诗歌代表作中的语言偏离搭配,从中找出偏向于口语的歌词语言与偏向于书面语的诗歌语言在偏离搭配上的异同。 本文从林夕的歌词中发现了大量的偏离搭配现象。语义偏离包括主谓、述宾、定中,联合、比况、述补等短语偏离搭配类型,其中,主谓短语偏离的现象是最多的。与周春林《词语语义语法偏离搭配研究》一书中归纳的偏离现象相比,林夕歌词中出现了“把”字结构这一句子层面的语义偏离搭配现象。本色歌词与诗化歌词在语义偏离搭配类型上基本保持一致,但是,本色歌词语义偏离现象基本集中在短语层面,而诗化歌词常常有句子层面的偏离现象。在偏离搭配所占的比例方面,本色歌词在整首歌词中的比例远远不及诗化歌词。而在偏离度上,诗化歌词往往也比本色歌词的语义跨度要大。在语法偏离搭配上,林夕的歌词中语法偏离搭配的现象不多,集中在词语活用现象上,这与歌词一过性听觉解码的特点有关,复杂的语法偏离容易造成理解的困难,不符合歌词的本质特征。 林夕歌词与贺敬之以及穆旦诗歌的语义偏离搭配比较,我们发现:林夕歌词与诗歌语义偏离类型基本一致。不同的是,诗歌更喜欢用象征、借代等辞格。本色歌词与诗歌相比,语义偏离所占的比例以及偏离语义跨度都不及诗歌。诗化歌词与贺敬之诗歌中的语义偏离搭配相比,数量、比例以及偏离的跨度都没有明显差别,歌词的偏离在比例上有时还比贺敬之的诗歌要大。诗化歌词与穆旦诗歌的比较,穆旦的诗歌偏离的比例与跨度要比歌词大得多。由于时间、能力以及语料库资源的限制,我们目前只能提出以MI值和T值来计算语义跨度,无法给出精确的数据来说明诗歌与歌词语义跨度的差别。我们从语义偏离搭配对比中可以看出,流行歌词作为平民中的传唱语言形式,需要通俗易懂,,而诗歌作为高雅文学中的语言形式,可以通俗、也可以深刻。林夕歌词的总体风格是符合歌词创作通俗易懂这一本质特征的,与诗歌相比,两者在同中有异,异大于同,两者并不属于同一文体。
[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more people begin to pay attention to the lyric language research. In order to enrich the corpus and the research angle of the lyric language research, explore the lyric language style and style characteristic, this article takes the lyrics of Lin Xi as the research corpus. Based on the deviation theory expounded by Wang Xinjie and the theoretical framework in Zhou Chunlin's book study on the deviation and collocation of semantic Grammar of words, this paper sums up and analyzes the phenomenon of deviation and collocation in the lyrics of Lin Xi. This paper is divided into four chapters, the first chapter briefly introduces the theory of deviation. The second and third chapters classify Lin Xi's original color lyrics and poetic lyrics' language deviation collocation (including semantic deviation collocation and grammatical deviation collocation) respectively. The fourth chapter compares the deviation and collocation of Lin Xi's lyrics with those of He Jingzhi and Mu Dan's masterpieces of poetry, and finds out the similarities and differences in deviating collocation between the lyric language which is inclined to the spoken language and the poetry language which is inclined to the written language. In this paper, a large number of deviations and collocations are found from the lyrics of Lin Xi. Semantic deviation includes subpredicate, object, definite, joint, comparative and complement phrases deviating from collocation type, among which, the phenomenon of subject-predicate phrase deviation is the most. Compared with the deviation phenomenon summarized in Zhou Chunlin's A study of semantic Grammar deviation and collocation of words in Zhou Chunlin's book, there is a semantic deviation and collocation phenomenon in Lin Xi's lyrics at the sentence level of "Ba" word structure. The semantic deviation between the original lyrics and the poetic lyrics is basically consistent, however, the semantic deviation of the original lyrics is mainly focused on the phrase level, and the poetic lyrics often have the sentence level deviations. In terms of the proportion of deviation from collocation, the proportion of original lyrics in the whole lyric is far less than that of poetic lyric. In terms of deviation, poetic lyrics are often larger than the semantic span of the original lyrics. In terms of grammatical deviation and collocation, the phenomenon of grammatical deviation and collocation in Lin Xi's lyrics is not much, but it is concentrated on the phenomenon of word usage, which is related to the characteristics of temporary auditory decoding of lyrics, and complicated grammatical deviations can easily lead to difficulties in understanding. It does not accord with the essential characteristics of the lyrics. Comparing the semantic deviation between Lin Xi's lyrics and He Jingzhi's and Mu Dan's poems, we find that the type of semantic deviation between Lin Xi's lyrics and poems' semantic deviation is basically the same. The difference is that poetry prefers symbolism, metonymy, etc. Compared with poetry, the proportion of semantic deviation and the span of semantic deviation are not as good as poetry. Compared with the semantic deviation and collocation in He Jingzhi's poetry, there is no obvious difference in quantity, proportion and span of deviation between poetic lyrics and He Jingzhi's poems, and the deviation of lyrics is sometimes greater than that of He Jingzhi's poetry. Comparing the poetic lyrics with Mu Dan's poems, the proportion and span of the deviations from the poems of Mu Dan are much larger than those of the lyrics. Due to the limitation of time, ability and corpus resources, we can only use MI value and T value to calculate the semantic span, and we can not give accurate data to explain the difference between the semantic span of poetry and lyrics. From the comparison of semantic deviation and collocation, we can see that popular lyrics, as a form of language among the common people, need to be easily understood, while poetry, as a form of language in elegant literature, can be popular or profound. The overall style of the lyrics of Lin Xi is in line with the essential feature of the lyric creation which is easy to understand. Compared with poetry, the two are different in the same, larger than the same, and they do not belong to the same style.


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